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Decorating for Christmas as a Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

Christmastime always brings happy memories of decorating my house in early December alongside my family. Being in university has made this more challenging, but I’ve tried to carry on this treasured tradition. With any small space, either student accommodation or a flat, decorating for holidays is always a struggle, balancing style and comfort. If you’re looking for ideas that don’t compromise either, here is some inspiration. 

Small-Scale Embellishment

This is a super chic, easy, but festive way to show some holiday spirit! Making space from your dresser, windowsill, nightstand, or dining table can easily make your space look more equipped for the holiday spirit. I love this idea of placing mini wreaths on existing mirrors!

Utilize Windows

Making the most of your windows is an easy way that doesn’t take up space. Grab some glass markets and let your imagination and creativity take charge! This is a pretty risk-free way to decorate; if you don’t like your drawing or get bored with what you have, just erase it and start over. I also like hanging string lights or other decorations across the window.

Makeshift Mantle

Even with no chimney for Santa to deliver presents, consider improvising a mantle-esque space to hang stocks, lights, garlands, flowers, and really anything you think fits with the holidays!

Winter Foliage

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If you always have flowers in the house, think about switching out your roses and tulips with some winter greens. If you lack space for a tree, this is a great way to add some Christmas foliage.

Christmas Slumber

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Creating a cozy Christmas bedroom is easy to achieve by adding simple accents–a few accent pillows or a nice blanket can quickly and easily transform a space. Be as traditional or non-traditional as you like!

Those were my top tips on decorating a small uni space for Christmas and the upcoming holidays, but there are infinite ways to be creative. Ultimately, it’s up to what works for your space and lifestyle; find little spaces that you might be able to utilise! Small spaces can get festive quickly; it’s all in the details. Happy holidays and happy decorating!

Sofia Podini

St. Andrews '27

Hi! I am Sofia Podini and am currently a first-year student at the University of St Andrews studying international relations and modern history. I’m originally from Washington, D.C., but also have family in Italy. Outside of academics, I love fashion, film, reading, travel, and concerts!