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A Californian’s Guide to Surviving Winter in Seattle

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SPU chapter.

As a SoCal local, I pretty much question every winter quarter why I ever left the Golden State for the dreary rainy days that just seem to drag on forever in the PNW. Not to mention the 4:30 p.m. sunsets that make you want to go to bed as soon as you get out of class. But I do plan on living in Seattle after I graduate because I actually do love it here. The winter is just hard. There’s no way around that fact, but I have some tips that have helped me. 

  1. Vitamin D- Duh

There’s no way you’re getting enough vitamin D in January in Seattle. As a Californian, it feels weird to think that you aren’t absorbing Vitamin D from the sun, but obviously, by now you’re realizing the sun barely exists in the winter here.  According to UW Medicine, the sun is not high enough in the sky during the fall or winter for our skin to absorb Vitamin D from the sun in Seattle. Taking vitamin D is a great way to make sure you’re not deficient. The Mayo Clinic says the daily recommended dosage of Vitamin D for people ages 1 to 70 is 600 IU (international units). Make sure to consult a doctor about the correct dosage or if you experience any side effects.

  1. Drill Sergeant Yourself- Exercise 

There’s nothing like a gray rainy day to make me feel absolutely sluggish. A short workout can truly make all the difference or even a walk. I go on runs in the morning (rain or shine) for about 20-30 minutes and I feel like a new person after even if it’s 35 degrees and raining. The key here is consistency. That’s where the drill sergeant comes in. You really need to do this every day or as regularly as possible to reap the benefits. It doesn’t have to be super intense but the consistency builds habit and acts as a built-in reward. 

  1. Warm Lights are Your Friend 

If you have blue/white lights…. Why? Warm light makes everything better. Warm cozy yellow lights make a room feel inviting, warm, and happy. Cool-toned lights make me feel like I’m at a doctor’s office. Do yourself a favor and invest in good cozy lighting. 

  1. Live in Reality 

You’d be surprised how tempted I am to look at the weather app for my hometown in CA, but it only makes me mad. Ignorance is bliss. I don’t need to know it’s 65 and sunny while I am suiting up in rain gear. Don’t check it, just don’t do it. All you need to know is if you need to wear a hood or not, okay?  

  1. Romanticize the Rain 

I have never been a soup girlie but here I am craving and making myself soup. The rain will do that to you. I’ve also noticed my music taste has expanded to encompass more R&B artists. Something about the rain makes me appreciate slower, more soulful music. Maybe because the Californian surf and alt-rock I listen to just does not do it for me when I’m driving across the Fremont bridge in the pouring rain. But r&b with it raining…that makes me feel like the main character. Let’s be real, going on a date in the rain is kinda cute. All I know is my SoCal self could never do that. So thank the rain for that.

  1. Spring Break is Your Silver Lining

If you can afford it, planning a mini trip to the sun during break is probably the best thing you can do for yourself. If you can’t, just remember Seattle in the spring and summer is like nothing else. Spring break is the turning point. Tulips, cherry blossoms, and sunsets after 9 p.m. are about to come your way. If you live in the PNW, chances are you like nature so take advantage of your break and get outside!! 

Look, you might get hate for being a Californian Transplant or for using an umbrella, but at least now you know some of my survival tips for surviving the gray.

Haley Blain is the President of Her Campus SPU! She joined Her Campus as a freshman and has thoroughly enjoyed the community. She is in charge of overseeing the direction of the club’s content and is responsible for being a correspondent to the HCHQ. She is currently a junior at SPU double majoring in Global Development and Economics. She lived in Shanghai, China for six and a half years. This influenced her decision to major in Global Development. Her writing experience includes writing for Her Campus since her freshman year, writing for the Falcon (SPU’s campus newspaper), and Bethany Community Church. At BCC, she created and wrote her own handbook for their missions department evaluating partnerships between the church and non-profits. It’s pretty obvious that Haley loves writing. She also enjoys reading, hiking, CrossFit, and dance. She is an avid music listener and likes to stream on KSPU (SPU’s radio station) with custom playlists that have new themes each week. This bio would not be complete without addressing her deep love for Taylor Swift’s music. Concerts are some of her favorite events to attend. Some highlights include Taylor Swift (Rep & Eras), Greta Van Fleet, and Alicia Keys.