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Who Will Be The Next Spelman President?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Spelman chapter.

The magnificent Beverly Daniel-Tatum is saying her goodbyes to the illustrious Spelman College at the end of spring 2015 and all of Spelman is wondering who will be the next President of Spelman College.  

After serving nine years as President, Dr. Beverly Daniel-Tatum has grown and expanded Spelman College.  Dr. Tatum’s most- well known, as well as most popular, initiative is the Wellness Revolution.  The Wellness Revolution has encouraged healthy living, exercise and diet among Spelman College residents.  This initiative has helped raise awareness for healthy lifestyles among young, black women.  A Wellness Revolution advocate Sophomore Alexis André states that “I just want the next President to continue the Wellness Revolution.”  A continuation of Tatum’s legacy is important to students.  She was also known for her warm personality and always being a welcome face seen around not only Spelman’s campus  but the Atlanta University Center (AUC).  “I loved Auntie Bev to death and I wish she was not leaving” says sophomore Jasmine Eatman.  “I saw her all the time around campus and she would always stop to speak to me.  At other schools, they usually do not even know who their President is.”  The great legacy that Dr. Tatum will leave will be incomparable.  Some Spelman students are not sure how to feel about the transition.  Junior Baylee Smith indicated that “I wish I would have seen her more.”  Sophomore Amber Harris hopes the next President “is more open to the student body.”  Beverly Daniel-Tatum is a face that will be dearly missed but there are some qualities that Spelman students are looking for in the next President.

There is no doubt at all that within the craziness of the coming weeks and semester all of the AUC will be wondering who Spelman will choose.  The Spelman women that have come and gone under her leadership will forever be grateful.  Now the question on everyone’s lips is who will be our next President?  And what is the current Spelman community looking for in the next President?

The last listening sessions for students will be held today at 3:45pm – 5:00pm in Cosby Auditorium. 

Endia Hayes is a junior, Sociology and Anthropology major at the illustrious Spelman College. An aspiring college professor with hopes on earning her PH.D. in Sociology, Endia is a scholar activist and UNCF Mellon Mays Fellow who believes that through education anyone can change the world. If you see or know of an issue, take a stand because the world will continue to turn with or without your impact. She loves all types of music, however, she is convinced Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong are the best duo of all time. Les Miserables is the absolute BEST musical and no one can convince her otherwise.I am not longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept ~ Angela Davis