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pink nude painting
Jaelynn Hart
Style > Beauty

Introducing Fluide: Making Up Your Own Rules

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Spelman chapter.

In today’s world, people have been given the opportunity to express themselves in a multitude of ways. Whether it be through clothes, hair, writing, drawing, singing, or any creative process; people are often encouraged to express their interests and emotions. Those who are a part of marginalized communities however, know all too well that there are people in this world that would rather hide and silence those that wish to express particular aspects of themselves. 


For centuries, makeup has been a primary mode of expression for masses of people. Unfortunately, this art form (yes–, it is art) has been continuously devalued due to its association with femininity. Those who are not perceived to be women or feminine beings are strongly encouraged to steer clear of makeup altogether. Today, the usage of makeup across all identities has become less taboo. But, there are still plenty of folks out there that strongly oppose this. This alone still makes the act of expression difficult for some. 


One of my New Year’s resolutions all those months ago at the very beginning of 2020 (before sh*t hit the fan) was to buy more products from companies that make an effort to support their most marginalized consumers. It is on this mission that I discovered Fluide Cosmetics, the vegan, cruelty-free, mission-driven makeup company of my dreams. They advertise that their products are for all gender expressions, partner with/donate to nonprofits focused on LGBTQ+ health and advocacy, and did I mention they’re vegan? 


Aside from that, the products themselves are actually gorgeous. If you were super into the looks popularized by the hit HBO show Euphoria, then you’d be drawn to quite a few of the items on their site. There are a lot of glitter, gloss and iridescent pigments. One of my favorite things about this brand is that a lot of their products have multiple uses. Their assortment of glitters and glosses are suitable for eyes, face, and lips, complementing all skin tones. 

Not only is Fluide Cosmetics ethical, but it is also a focal point of empowering those that exist outside the norms of sexuality and gender. It pays homage to the signature looks pioneered by our queer & trans elders while nurturing the future. If Fluide has managed to win over your heart like it did mine, make sure to check out their newest additions to their Aura collection. 

Kimani Leftridge is currently an Anthropology and Sociology major at Spelman College. Kimani loves writing and talking about politics, they have aspirations of becoming a college professor and continuing to work in the field of journalism. If they are not writing, they can be found organizing, involved in political discourse, reading or painting. In addition to being a writer, Kimani is also a visual artist who's pieces often have the same subject matter as their writings. You can follow them on Instagram @angstyblkartist.