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Campus Cutie: Morehouse College, Daiquan Bradford C’2016

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Spelman chapter.


Name: Daiquan Nigel Sadiq Bradford. Preferably, I go by Sadiq, but whatever you feel comfortable with.

Age: 20

Hometown: Roxbury, Massachusetts

Major: Political Science

Classification: Junior

Single or Taken: Single

Interested in: Women

Which campus organizations are you involved in?

Quite a few! Bonner Scholars Program, AUC Massachusetts Club, Vanguard Leadership Group, National Council of Negro Women, and Boys with a Ball. The organization that has impacted me the most is the Bonner Scholars Program. Honestly, if it was not for this program I would not be able to stay at my dream school. I am forever grateful for this organization.  The Morehouse College Bonner Scholars Program helped deepen my understanding of community service and work at various sites in greater Atlanta, including: The Atlanta Community Food Bank, The Jefferson Place, Kipp Strive Academy, City of Atlanta, and the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site. The Bonner Scholars Program has even pushed me beyond community service to influencing policy, which is a direction I plan to take in the near future. The Bonner Scholars Program has given me not only opportunities, but a bonding experience with my brothers that I will cherish even after undergrad.

Where do you see yourself after graduation?

Hmm, good question.  I aim to continue my education. I will either attend Grad School or Law School; I am working to keep both options available. Next, I plan to enter the public sector (most likely the Department of Interior) and/or become professional lobbyist. Afterwards, I plan to start my own nonprofit organization that will grow to become international, where my team will teach community organizing, spirituality and love. I want to cultivate a culture of social change agents who will have say in local, state and world politics. Ultimately, youth that want leave the world better than they grew up in.

Have you ever dated someone in the AUC? What were the pros and cons?

Indeed, I have dated someone in the AUC. Let’s see, the pros huh? One pro was she was really supportive in my mouthful of goals and helped me through my low times. Another pro was it was amazing to have her in my presence because when I came to Morehouse I was really tense and worried about the huge amount of loans I had taken out for my dream school. I really felt lonely and she let me know I wouldn’t be lonely anymore. Lastly, I was able to surprise her with sweet gestures. There was a time when our relationship wasn’t so hot, but I flew from my hometown with the little bit of money I had to surprise her on New Year’s Eve. One con was after an intense disagreement, I had the tendency to wear my emotions throughout the day. Another con was I struggled with compromising and communicating my feelings with her. The last con was I was not able to care for her as much as she cared for me and I constantly failed to meet her standards as a boyfriend. 

What do you find most attractive in a woman?

What I find most attractive about a woman is her eyes. A woman with alluring eyes does catch my attention. Those eyes come in handy when, say, for example, a young woman and I are conversing. I listen with my undivided attention and use good eye contact, but sometimes I have tendency to gaze into a woman’s eyes while in conversation because I am looking for a genuine aura within that woman since I believe the gateway to a person’s soul is through their eyes.

When looking for a relationship, what’s a deal-breaker?

Let’s see deal-breakers, huh? I have a bunch, but I’ll list seven. First, if she cannot hold a conversation. Second, if she doesn’t have a great sense of humor.  Third, a clingy or uptight personality is a deal-breaker (she has to be unabashedly goofy). Fourth, if she lies (omission lying counts too). Fifth, she doesn’t stand up for me (or supports me in my endeavors). Sixth, having bad hygiene and being unkempt (teeth, body odors, nails, hair). Lastly, she smokes (weed, cigarettes, meth, crack–you get it.).

What has been the hardest lesson to learn while dating? After a break up?

I’ll answer both. The hardest lesson while dating is ESTABLISHING TERMS! It’s really a problem to think that as a man or woman you can just “go with the flow.” The truth is that you can’t, and I am so adamant about this point. If you are dating you have to literally annotate and DEFINE out loud what dating means to you. Remember, we all live in our own worlds, so what something means to you means something entirely different to me. There is no universal understanding of dating. That’s the lesson there. Next, hardest lesson after a break up I would arguably say is to not regret your decision and give that person space! Indeed, you guys have shared many months or years together; but the reason why you aren’t together is a multitude of reasons and you MUST try to allow each other to heal. I know personally, it is hard since I am a guy that doesn’t like to burn bridges. However, sometimes our lovers can become our enemies, and we just have to accept that. 

Should past relationship secrets always be kept hidden?

I mean, if you want instability at the inception of your relationship maybe you should. Let me stop playing, but in all seriousness, no. I believe past relationship secrets should not be kept hidden because secrets and omitted information can lead to an unstable relationship long-term. I feel that if you are going into a relationship withholding information already this will appear later and have a direct correlation to the lack of trust and lack of communication in your prospective relationship. And nobody wants a relationship without transparency.  

What’s the most important thing for a relationship to be successful?

I believe the single most important thing for a relationship to be successful is communication. I cannot attest to being the best communicator in relationships, however, I do express my thoughts and feelings without sugarcoating. This in turn, can come off very harsh and as we know it is never what you say, but always how you say it. I believe communication is the gateway to love. Once a person is able to express their feelings unabashedly, both people can reach a safe mutual understanding away from ambiguous situationships. I believe this crucial and foundational stage is what all women and men want to attain in a relationship. 

Danyelle Carter has always been excited about building beneficial relationships, sharing stories and managing her best self. She is an aspiring publicist majoring in Comparative Women's Studies at her dream school, the illustrious Spelman College in Atlanta, GA. She chose to continue her education at Spelman after graduating summa cum laude from Miami Dade College with a joint associate degree in Mass Communications and Journalism. Currently a junior at Spelman, Danyelle hopes to bring contemporary perspectives to commercial appeal by pursuing entrepreneurship of owning her own firm. If you ask her what her aspirations are, her eyes would light up, her smile would widen and she would squeal: "to be the Communicator-in-Chief of my own PR/Social Interaction agency!"