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Campus Celeb: Mya Havard C’2017, Student Trustee

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Spelman chapter.

Name: Mya Havard

Hometown: Woodbine, MD

Major: Mathematics; Minor: Computer Science

Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite Food: Mac and Cheese

Favorite Book: The Great Gatsby

What do you like to do for fun?

I like to watch the Mindy Project, finding new restaurants, and listening to Kanye West; I also love going to Little 5 Points.

What is your favorite thing about Spelman College?

My favorite thing about Spelman is the fact that I am no longer a minority in this space.

What other organizations are you involved with at Spelman College?

I am in Spelmanites and Tiaras. I am a student ambassador, and I am on the Programming Team

What is it like holding such an important position on campus?

It is a huge responsibility. I really want to best represent the student body to the Board of Trustees, but that is a really difficult task. I am trying to be more involved on campus, so I can get to know more students that I would not have met otherwise. It also comes with a lot of benefits. When I applied for this position, there was nothing on my resume that really distinguished me as, potentially, the next student trustee. All of these experiences are very new to me but are also very impactful. I feel really blessed to have this opportunity.

What is the hardest thing about being the Student Trustee?

The hardest thing about being the Student Trustee is believing that I actually add something to the board. When such distinguished people who have amazing careers surround me, it’s hard to think that there is any value that I can bring to the board. I have to remind myself that while they might know how to run a company or raise millions of dollars, they don’t always know what the students are thinking. They do not know what we see day to day on campus and the biggest issues that are affecting us. I take my role very seriously because Spelman would be nothing without students. In order to make executive decisions about Spelman, the student’s perspective must be involved.

Is this position what you expected it to be?

For the most part the position is what I expected it to be. The only thing that was a little unexpected was how it would affect me on campus. I knew I would have to go to Board Meetings and interact with the Board, but I also have a lot of on campus duties. I really serve as a liaison between the board and the students, so it is important that I keep the student body well informed about what is happening with the Board.

Was it a difficult transition into this position, as student trustee?

Ms. Tamaria Perry really made the transition an easy one. I have been through the same student trustee on boarding process as the other new trustees. The members of the Board are very friendly and are excited to have me. The hardest transition is becoming a resource to students on campus.

What are your future aspirations?

After college, I hope to become a management consultant or work for a start up and then eventually go to business school. From there, I hope to create my own company or start up that possesses a mission based on responsibility (e.g. TOMS, Warby Parker, the ideas of giving back and being a vital part of the company). If none of that works out, I just hope I am doing something I am passionate about.

Danyelle Carter has always been excited about building beneficial relationships, sharing stories and managing her best self. She is an aspiring publicist majoring in Comparative Women's Studies at her dream school, the illustrious Spelman College in Atlanta, GA. She chose to continue her education at Spelman after graduating summa cum laude from Miami Dade College with a joint associate degree in Mass Communications and Journalism. Currently a junior at Spelman, Danyelle hopes to bring contemporary perspectives to commercial appeal by pursuing entrepreneurship of owning her own firm. If you ask her what her aspirations are, her eyes would light up, her smile would widen and she would squeal: "to be the Communicator-in-Chief of my own PR/Social Interaction agency!"