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SlutWalk: “Sluts” with Dignity

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Southern Miss chapter.

Sufferers of sexual assault have long been the targets of victim-blaming. A person who enjoys being sexually active or likes dressing “suggestively” is almost always identified as a slut by society. However, let’s say that person becomes a victim of rape. Is it okay to accuse, or blame, his/her preferences for attracting an aggressor? Rape victims around the world are taking a stand. No longer will they take the blame.

An excerpt from an article published in the Huffington Post states, “a Manitoba judge condemned a rape survivor in court for wearing a tube top, no bra, high heels and makeup, which he implied had led to her sexual assault.” That is not the first time a rape survivor has been blamed for his/her attack. Society encourages women to suppress sexual desires and avoid certain items of apparel that could potentially deem her as a “slut”, in an effort to ward off negative attention from sexual offenders. However, throwing around the term slut so loosely doesn’t sit well with the majority of rape victims.

In a movement that is sweeping the globe, SlutWalks aim to eliminate victim-blaming and change the world’s assumption of words like slut, ho, whore, etc. Founded by Heather Jarvis in Toronto, Canada, the first SlutWalk took place on April 3, 2011.  One year later, SlutWalks are appearing all over the United States as well as other parts of the world. The mission of these SlutWalks is to raise awareness of sexual assault and to redefine the seemingly derogatory word, making sure it isn’t used to justify acts of sexual violence. The crusade also strives to create a positive community for women to express their sexuality in a positive light.

Over the years, countless instances have occurred where representatives of the government accuse sexually liberated rape victims for enticing their victimizers, labeling them as sluts, whores, hos, etc. Hilary Beaumont’s quote sums it up perfectly. “Society teaches ‘don’t get raped’ rather than ‘don’t rape’.” However, the truth is that rape victims are of all ages and backgrounds. There are victims who enjoy having sex, and there are victims who choose a celibate lifestyle. The point of the SlutWalk is to allow sexual assault victims to share their experiences comfortably without being blamed for the violence they suffered.

The movement has already had great success in its fight to end victim-blaming. More and more women around the world are feeling empowered to open up about their past and move on with their lives. Rape victims are becoming less afraid to stand up for themselves and their sexuality and more willing to share their experiences with the world. Supporters aren’t just women or rape victims either. Men, women, transgender, lesbians, gays and bisexuals are all a part of this growing effort to speak out for those who cannot or those who don’t have the courage.

April 3, 2012 is the first International Day Against Victim-Blaming and the birthday of the SlutWalk movement. April is also Sexual Assault Awareness month. SlutWalks will be occurring this April through October in cities all across the United States including Orlando, FL; Dallas, TX; Boston, MA; and many others. If you or someone you know has been a victim of rape, do not allow shame to overcome you. You are not alone. Stand up for victims that can no longer stand up for themselves. A complete listing of SlutWalk locations can be found online

Mallory Hatten is a senior majoring in Journalism at the University of Southern Mississippi. She currently interns for College Lifestyles as a Sorority and Lifestyles Writer. She also serves as the Vice President of Public and Alumna Relations for the Alpha Omicron Chapter of Phi Mu as well as a Section Editor for Her Campus Southern Miss. In her spare time, Mallory loves traveling, reading, and being with family and friends. She hopes to travel the world and write for a respected publication in the future.
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Crystal Garner

Southern Miss

Crystal Garner is a sophomore at the University of Southern Mississippi studying Broadcast Journalism and Computer Science. She is the Campus Correspondent and Editor-In-Chief for the Southern Miss Chapter of HerCampus.com, the on-air host of Southern Miss Today at WUSM 88.5, a Campus Editor at Uloop.com, a former English TV/Africa production intern at Voice of America, and an ambassor for Freshmansupport.com. She enjoys writing, reporting, and traveling. Her work has been publish by USA TODAY, Huffington Post, Uloop.com, and local newspapers in her hometown of Meridian, Miss. She hopes to one day serve as an international correspondent.  Keep up with her at Shesagarner.com