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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Southern Miss chapter.

For most college students Halloween night is an excuse to dress up in a completely ridiculous/scary way and go out for a good time. But this isn’t everyone’s idea of fun, so Her Campus Southern Miss has put together a list of fun Halloween activities for those who don’t feel like braving the crowded bars and clubs on the 31st.

Visit a Haunted House

A Halloween staple, a visit to a haunted house, with friends, family or a significant other to cling on to is bound to be great fun if you can stomach it. There are loads to choose from depending on your fear-tolerance and a visit will be sure to put you in a Halloween mood.

Watch a Scary Film

Lots of cinemas and theatres will be showing scary films on the big night, from classic Hammer horror flicks like Frankenstein to more flamboyant audience-involved affairs such as Rocky Horror Picture Show. Or why not stay in for the night with your own selection of Halloween appropriate films depending on your personal preference, more of a Hocus Pocus than a Paranormal Activity fan? No problem, grab some great food and snuggle down for the night.  

Go on a Ghost Tour

Many cities, cemeteries, and parks will offer special guided ghost tours, taking you to the most macabre and spooky areas and telling you the stories of what transpired there, and what ghostly presences may have been felt. Whether you believe in it or not they’re great fun and can be really interesting.

Do Something Un-Halloween

If Halloween is really not your thing then embrace that too! Fall is a great time to get outside and take in some nature before winter starts to set in. Why not go to a gig, visit somewhere new or do something you’ve always wanted to try; using the fact that everyone else is occupied with Halloween to give yourself some you-time.

So don’t feel pressured to go out this Halloween if it’s not for you, hopefully Her Campus has shown you that there are plenty of other options you can try instead!

Image Credits: pinterest.com

Alice Calder is in her fourth year studying Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the University of Exeter. She spent her third year studying abroad at the University of Southern Mississippi where she fell in love with all things Deep South. After interning in Washington DC for the summer Alice's love of politics grew and developed into her career ambition. Aside from politics she likes music, exploring the great outdoors, and enjoying food in every possible form.