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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Southern Miss chapter.


Final exams, final papers and final projects are all coming up, and for many collegiettes, the stakes are high. With the Christmas spirit in the air, everyone is pushing through these last couple weeks of school. Take a look at these study tips to help you finish off this semester!

1. Know your strengths.

Learn how you best study! Are you an auditory or visual learner? Remember what techniques best work for you and stick to them.

Some techniques include reading over notes, talking about material with other students, and copying notes down. There are unconventional study methods too! You can make yourself a study guide.

Assembling the study guide will help you review the material, and doing the study guide will help even more! Just remember to know your strengths and stick to them to effectively study.

2. Make a to-do list.

Feeling overwhelmed? Do you have a gazillion tests, papers, presentations, and projects? Stay calm and make a to-do list.

Writing all of your assignments down will help to organize your thoughts. Instead of stressing out about your heavy homework load, you can focus on one task at a time.

In addition to this, when you’ve finished an assignment, you can cross out the homework assignment on your list! This gratifying feeling and organizational technique will help you remember all your assignments, focus on your studies, and ace your exams.

3. Take breaks.

You heard me right! Breaks are essential to effective studying. Now, I’m not talking about hour-long breaks, but small fifteen to twenty minute breaks can help refresh your mind.

Take a walk, jog, or (even better yet) a catnap to give your overworked brain a break. These breaks, especially if they are short but effective, can even increase productivity.

This is because your brain is refreshed, keeping it attentive and effective. In moderation, breaks can help increase study productivity and result in good exam grades.

4. Go technology free.

Yeah, I’m sure you’ve heard this one a thousand times over. But, seriously, go technology free! I know it might seem like you’re a multitasking whiz, but you’re not.

Texting, Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking does in fact distract you and decreases productivity. Instead of studying for six hours while texting the best friend or the boyfriend, study productively for four hours, and hang out with them for the remaining two! It might be tough, but exams are more important than a couple hours of texting.

5. Reward yourself

Give yourself something to look forward to. Reward yourself with cookies, candy, sleep or anything! This serves as an instant prize and as great motivation. Save those two cookies until you’ve finished reading the chapter.

Don’t respond to those text messages until you’ve filled out the study guide. In addition to the good grades that you’ll get as a result of all this studying, your experience will be more positive and even more productive.

Happy Studying!   

Picture source: English Club