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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.

When we think of Christmas movies, usually most people jump straight to films like “Elf,” “A Christmas Story,” or any and every Hallmark movie. However, in recent years I think we have all noticed the newer Christmas movies just do not seem to have that same appeal. It’s almost like every idea has been used and reused, which leaves people to continue to watch the same holiday classics made years ago. Without fail, these select movies continue to be everyone’s favorite:

1. It’s a Wonderful Life

2. A Christmas Story

3. A Charlie Brown Christmas

4. Elf

5. How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966)

6. Love Actually

7. Bad Santa

8. The Muppet Christmas Carol

9. The Year Without Santa Claus

10. Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer

Of course, we can’t forget the honorable mentions like the “Home Alone” saga, “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation,” or “The Santa Clauses.” Without a doubt, these movies will forever remain holiday must-watches, but that leaves viewers nowadays with the question of whether today’s Christmas movies will ever match up. There seems to be a constant pattern of romance in today’s new holiday films, and I think that is one major difference that really effects the essence of the newer Christmas movies. 

However, despite the majority of recent holiday films not matching up in quality, there have been a few that are worthy of appreciation. The Hulu film, “Happiest Season,” is definitely one that manages to capture the Christmas spirit while also making its viewers laugh. Even the most recent “Grinch” film was a fun watch, keeping the integrity of the plot while also adding a modern twist to the story. I think if creators take notes on what viewers desire when watching holiday movies, more films will definitely take off and become family favorites. However, even though not every holiday film is a hit, there is always something so special about watching any Christmas movie. It would not be Christmas if Hallmark did not produce its usual films, basically an annual tradition for most families no matter the plot.

Allison Mischel

South Carolina '25

Allison Mischel is the senior editor at Her Campus’s South Carolina Chapter. Her role is to oversee submitted articles and make necessary changes if needed! Allison is currently a junior at the University of South Carolina majoring in English. She hopes to pursue a career in publishing following her undergraduate education. In past years Allison had experience writing/editing for various publications as well freelance experience. In her free time Allison enjoys reading, hiking, going to local coffee shops and hanging out with friends!