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Meet HCSC’s Emma DeLoughry

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.

Emma DeLoughry ’19

Major: Journalism

Minor: Environmental Studies

Emma is a freshman at USC studying journalism and environmental studies. She is from Hawthorne, NY, just 20 minutes outside of the city. A fun fact about Emma’s hometown is that Bill Clinton has a house there.

When Emma isn’t writing for Her Campus SC, you can find her playing intermural volleyball or listening to her favorite band, The Black Keys. Her current favorite song is “Needed Me,” by Rihanna.      

Emma is really excited about the first Chick-fil-A in New York, to which she went to 4 times when they opened. When Emma’s not chowing down on a chicken sandwich, she’s probably eating her most favorite food, ice cream.

When asked about her most embarrassing moment at college so far, Emma became quite comical:

“I was walking up the stairs back to my dorm room and didn’t realize I got off on the wrong floor. So I walked into what I thought was my room to find that all the furniture in the common area was gone. I though someone had stolen all of it! And that’s when I realized that I walked into someone else’s dorm room,” she said with a laugh. 

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Haley Nelson

South Carolina

Haley Nelson is a full-time student, part-time yogi, and professional Amazon shopper. She is a South Carolina native who dreams of traveling anywhere and everywhere. Follow Haley on Instagram at @haynelsonx.
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Kristina Zagame

South Carolina

Born and raised right outside the great city of Boston. Senior at the University of South Carolina. Major: Broadcast Journalism. Minor: Sport and Entertainment Management. Interests include traveling, storytelling, and trying to squeeze in naps. Biggest pet peeve: being told, "no." Instagram & Twitter: @kzagame GO COCKS!