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Meet Haley Davis-Martin: the Girl Who Does it All

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.

After attending the University of South Carolina for undergraduate studies, Haley Davis-Martin decided to continue to UofSC’s graduate school program and study epidemiology. Not only is she a female STEM major, but she is also one incredible leader. Her Campus South Carolina chatted with Haley about what makes her such an incredible role model for women and what interests her in STEM.

HCSC: What made you choose UofSC for undergrad?

Haley: I wanted to leave my home, Virginia, and experience things for myself. I only applied to out-of-state schools! My parents actually met here and would always tell me stories of their time here, and I wanted to experience that as well.

HCSC: What leadership roles did you have during your time as an undergraduate student and what roles do you have now?

Haley Davis-Martin: During undergraduate studies, I did too much almost. I tried to figure out what I liked and what I didn’t. I tried kayaking, archery, rugby and a lot of other things! I don’t recommend kayaking, it’s not fun to feel like you’re drowning. I also held leadership positions! I was the president of Alpha Lambda Delta for a year and vice president of communications. I was a committee head in Phi Sigma Pi, a national honor fraternity, with a focus on philanthropy. Now in graduate school, I am the secretary of student organizations for the graduate student association, I am a peer mentor, a peer leader for University 101 and I want to make leadership programs for graduate students.

HCSC: You mentioned you are a STEM student; do you have any advice for other female students in male-driven fields like those in STEM?

HDM: Do it. If you find something that makes you happy, challenges you, and makes you grow as a person do it no matter what anyone else says. But don’t do it if you feel like it is what is expected of you. If you’re more inclined to arts, social sciences or business then follow your path. Do what makes you happy, and if someone says you can’t, say, “Nah you’re wrong I’m gonna do it.”

HCSC: Is there a reason why you picked to study epidemiology in graduate school?

HDM: I was originally an anthropology major. I focused on the biological aspect and have always been more scientifically inclined. I started studying bioanthropolgy and began studying bones. Some of my favorite classes were on bones and how we can see diseases in them. I fell in love with diseases and now want to focus on women and children’s health.

HCSC: Why specifically women and children’s health?

HDM: I think there is a really deep connection between mother and child and I want to make sure while that is forming in pregnancy, and after, both woman and child are completely healthy, so all they need to do is focus each other.

HCSC: Do you have any advice for girls who want to get into graduate school?

HDM: Do research and focus on what you want out of the program! I wanted to have the ability to do research and so I found that. For me, USC has maternal and child health specialists, four of them, and so since I don’t know how specific I want to be that helps a lot! I made a list of what I want out of my life, professionally, intellectually and in general and found what I need to get there.

Haley is an awesome role model and inspiring! Chase your dreams, get involved and love what you do. Best of luck in graduate school and beyond Haley! Thank you for everything you do on campus, off campus and will do in the future.

Abby Davies

South Carolina '22

U of SC '22. Public Health major.