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Maximize Your Time Management

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.

Time management is a skill everyone needs to have in college and through a career. For many, it’s not that simple to understand what needs to be prioritized. Luckily for you, we’ve been working on this skill for a while now and you probably have had some practice at it too. You used time management when you fit in studying before your high school soccer team practice or your drama club performance. Time management was also there when your parents checked in and made sure you got your homework done before bed. However, college is a little different… okay, a lot different and everything is totally up to you.

When mom and dad dropped us off at college, they forgot to tell us they weren’t going to plan every day of our lives anymore (or our doctor appointments and that’s terrifying). So naturally, It’s pretty easy to binge watch Netflix until two in the morning and forget all about that lab report due in the morning. Here are some tips for keeping you on our A-game.

1. Prioritize Everything

All of us are at USC, first and foremost, for an education… so your number one priority should be your schoolwork. As much as we don’t like to do it, getting assignments and studying done before you make plans to head out to five points is how you’ll stay on track and keep the stress away.

But what comes after school? A good way to determine what’s important and what’s not is to put all your commitments at the forefront. This would include jobs or organizations you’re involved with. Using a planner will keep all of these responsibilities in line and you on task.

Next, we should all make time to call our families. Family is forever and it’s good to make sure you nurture your relationship with yours. Even a phone call every couple of days can be penciled in to our oh-so-busy schedules.

Of course, friendship follows suit. One of the best things about college are the friendships that’ll last a lifetime. But in order to have these, we have to make time! To survive, you need study buddies and a shoulder to cry on when mom is out of reach. 

With friends comes your social scene. This is where making the most of college comes into play. However, don’t forget that this comes last, even if you do get the worst FOMO ever!

Each person is different, but according to senior, Erica Roy, “Prioritizing is key!”

2. Organize

One thing that has proven itself over and over again is organizing all of your assignments, classes, and study times in a common place. “I mostly keep up with my time management with my agenda,” shared sophomore Kayla Braun. “Without it, I would constantly be missing assignments or appointments and it allows me to plan ahead and be able to make time for everything going on.”

 Whether it be a physical planner, an online Google Calendar, or just the reminder app on your iPhone, outside sources can help unclog your brain and keep you on track.

3. Don’t stress!

College is hands down one of the most stressful situations we have attempted to accomplish thus far in life. It’s okay to mess up! But you don’t want to make a habit out of missing assignments or skipping homeworks. As you’re going through your college career, pay attention to yourself to learn where your limits are. Take personal days. If it is still hard for you to really get your life under control, there are resources at USC that offer help! ACE coaching or the Student Success Center can collaborate with you to make sure you’re doing the best you can at managing a hectic life.

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Emily Correll

South Carolina

Emily Correll is a sophomore Broadcast Journalism major at the University of South Carolina. She is a member of Kappa Delta and is passionate about her friends and family. Emily wishes to pursue a job in the broadcasting field after receiving her degree. She enjoys spending time with family, reading, watching Netflix and dancing embarrassingly to loud music.
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