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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.

Relationships can be hard enough, but adding distance to a relationship can make it more difficult. Personally, I have been in a long-distance relationship for three months and this is how we keep things going strong.

First, you have to decide if long-distance is truly for you. This deals with your schedule, existing relationships, and if you see that there is a want for this relationship to be successful.


The one thing that you will hear most commonly about any relationship is, communication, but this is especially crucial when you don’t see your significant other often. Use any and all communication available whether it is text, Snapchat, Facetime, or even a phone call. Staying in touch will keep you close to your significant other even with the distance. It doesn’t have to be deep conversations always; sometimes I will just send updates on my day or what’s going on with me. Allowing an open line of communication allows for you to continue to grow the relationship even though you are not always physically together.


Something, that also works quite well is always having a plan of when you and your significant other will see each other or visit again. Doing this gives you something to look forward to when the distance seems far and always having a plan makes certain that you will see each other often. What my significant other and I often do is look at the calendar to see when we are free, if there are any special occasions like Valentine’s day, what plans are already made, and go from there.

Trust Each other

Another thing that all couples should continue to work on especially with distance is trust. This will be extremely important for the strength of your relationship because the distance can make one wonder what their partner is doing and if they are being faithful. While trust takes a lot to build, having trust in the relationship will stifle the reason most long-distance couples break up which is commonly known as “the distance was just too hard.” Make distance work for you and your needs. Long-distance is difficult, but in the end, it is worth it if you are willing to put in the work.

The truth is distance is hard and not being with your significant other is not ideal. However, if you are willing to work on your relationship and always put the effort into it, you can reap the rewards of a long-distance relationship. For me, I enjoy that my significant other is a part of my life, but when I can’t see them I have lines of communication with them and am able to do what I value and enjoy outside of the relationship.

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Gabrielle LeBel

South Carolina '24

I am Gabrielle LeBel and I am from Greenville, South Carolina. I am an advertisement student at the University of South Carolina. I enjoy writing, reading, the outdoors, travel, and spending time with friends.