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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.

We’ve all been through it. You go into a class in the morning, and even with your hoodie, you’re almost shivering as you walk in the building. When you leave the building after the class is over, with the same hoodie on, you start sweating shortly after.


It is almost like the seasons change completely, from winter to summer, in the hour and a half that you’ve been in class. So the question is, how do we dress for this weather? How do we stay comfortable in both the cold AND the hot that happens all in the span of one day?


The simple answer? Layers.


Our advice is to start with a bottom layer that you know you would be comfortable wearing in hot weather. Like a t-shirt and leggings, for example. Next, you can add a light sweater or cardigan. Then, another layer with a thicker jacket if it is especially cold. The key to layering is starting with thin layers and adding thicker layers as you go. It is also important to remember that your outer layers should be looser so that you can still move around and not end up like Ralphie from A Christmas Story.


Another trick for layering is playing with the length of your layers. By alternating the length, you keep the layers from bulking directly on top of each other. This helps keep your layers from being too restricting, and it allows you to easily move around despite wearing so many clothes.


Obviously, there are different forms of this whole “layering” thing. Like if it’s raining, then you’d probably want to switch out the top layer jacket for a rain jacket. On days where it is a little warmer in the morning, you could probably even brave wearing a pair of shorts in the cold. Leggings could work for both hot and cold weather, as they provide a layer between your legs and the cold but they are also not as thick as jeans, so you’d still be comfortable in warm weather.


For shoes, it is always safe to just wear a pair of sneakers (unless it’s raining, of course). They offer enough warmth if it is cold, but they can also be breathable if it is too hot.


The only issue with layering is that you’ll have to hold onto your layers as you lose them. So make sure not to leave a jacket anywhere! It is a little annoying having to keep track of everything, but it is a small price to pay for being comfortable throughout the entire day.

Hailey McCoy

South Carolina '22

Freshman journalism student at UofSC!
Katie Graybill

South Carolina '20

Katie is a journalism student at the University of South Carolina. She loves the beach, traveling, writing, and spending time with her pets!