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How to Beat the 5 Worst Back-to-School Blues!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.

Let’s be honest: Most of us could not wait to get back to USC after winter break. Though seeing our friends, going to parties and just relaxing were great for a while, we’re ready to reclaim our freedom – and our seat at Bird Dog. But, with our return to school, we also re-encounter those aspects of college living that we conveniently forgot about over break: the school work, the cold showers and the unsatisfactory food. Yes, there is a whole list of ups, but for those days when you’re ready to pack up and head home, here’s how to beat the downs.

1. New classes

New schedule, new buildings, new books: It all adds up to a rocky first week. Nothing is worse than going to the wrong building or sitting in the wrong classroom (can you say, “freshman”?), but you can easily remedy these issues.  Grab a map and mark each building to which you’ll be going, as well as each classroom number, and take a walk to determine how much time you will need to get from class to class. As for your books … do you know how much Chipotle you could buy with the money spent on textbooks? It’s absolutely insane.  Save money by ordering from Amazon or buying used books from other students.  Most students will sell that $100 book for $75, saving you $25 and giving them some extra spending money. Also, go to class before buying a book – most teachers will tell you if you really need it or not.

2. Meal Plan

Who actually wants to leave mom’s home-cooked meals for the dining halls? If you said “me,” leave now. I can’t handle you. For the rest of you, try switching it up. If you live in Capstone, head over to Einstein’s and Colloquium or even venture to Honors or * gasp * Bates. Do you live in McBro or Preston? Check out Gibbes Court – it’s not half bad if you aren’t eating it every day. My personal issue: Greek meal plan. Unless you are a Chi O, you probably aren’t too excited for meals during the week. Being allergic to literally everything, I’ve found it’s best to keep frozen chicken nuggets and broccoli in my freezer as well as a shelf full of Easy Mac. Frozen meals are an easy fix when you don’t have time to run to the house during meal periods.

3. Cold Showers

This may not be an issue if you live off campus, but every student has experienced this at some point. There isn’t anything you can really do about cold water, but try switching up the times when you shower. If you know you have an early class but need a shower, shower the night before. Everyone else will be showering before class, and you’ll get a little extra time to sleep in or grab breakfast. If you work out in the middle of the day, get a shower immediately after since most people will wait until after dinner. It’s all about timing.

4. Working out

Still have that Freshmen 15? Or worse, you’re about to start gaining your Freshmen 50? Get your friends together and get your butt to the gym.  Make sure to arrive early for group exercise classes and to avoid busy times. No time to get to Strom? Try walking to the Coliseum (feel free to join me – I do it four days a week) or walk the long way to class. Personally, I avoid Strom at all costs by running through campus (Capstone to Honors and back is about two miles)! Finally, if you have  a little extra spending money, try out Pure Barre in Five Points – you’ll be sore for days!

5. Life craziness

Life gets a little crazy as school starts up again. What with activity affairs, interest meetings and Greek Rush (Panhellenic and non-Panhellenic), there is no time to breathe! Honestly, suck it up, buy a new planner, color code everything and get on with your day. Figure out which clubs, organizations and events are most important, but make sure you have time to focus on your schoolwork and have a little downtime. You can do it!

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Charlotte Price

South Carolina

I go by Charlotte, but will respond to any of the following: Charcoal, Charmander, Charlemagne, Charzard, Char, Lotte (pronounced lot-e), lotte-char. Blonde hair, blue eyes, inability to tan Selfie professional Obsessive compulsive, Overdressed, Over thinker Gamecock USC 17 || Delta Zeta xoxchar.blogspot.com