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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.

Only about an hour and a half from University of South Carolina – Columbia, Greenville is a great place to go sightseeing and have fun with your friends! Being born and raised in Greenville, I know some of the coolest spots! 

9:30 AM – To start off, try delicious breakfast crepes at Tandem! It may be a little out of the way from the city center, but it is such a cute spot to take pictures! It also has outside sitting – perfect to enjoy the nice weather. 

11:00 AM – After breakfast, head over to M. Judson Booksellers, a charming little bookstore in the heart of downtown. Find yourself a book or two to take with you as a souvenir. There is also an underground, vintage clothing store across the street to do some thrifting!

12:00 PM – After lunch, drive to the Greenville Zoo! Walk around and take pictures with all the cute animals! Right next door is also Cleveland Park! With a long trail, tennis court, and playground this would be a nice stop to take a bike ride or smell the flowers. 

1:30 PM – Get lunch at the popular food court, Gather Greenville! Along with its unique architecture, it offers a wide range of food options like tacos, pizza, and sushi. 

2:00 PM – Explore West Greenville, there’s lots of cool shops and cafes in this area! For example, Kuku Juice and the Village Grind. Not a lot of people know this little hidden gem of town, so don’t miss out on it!

4:00 PM – Take a nice stroll around the downtown area or go to the outskirts and see the new Unity Park! It is a beautiful green space to take in nature or take pictures!

5:30 PM – End the night with some fun minigolf or axe throwing at Group Therapy! While playing around, order yourself one of their popular craft beers or famous cocktails! I know the name sounds a little off-putting, but I promise it’s a fun place to socialize and end the day on a good note. 

Some honorable mentions that I didn’t include are Treetop Quest, Paris Mountain State Park, Haywood Mall, Greenville Drive Baseball Games, and TD Saturday Market! Be sure to check the opening hours and enjoy your time in Greenville!

Avona Le

South Carolina '25

Hi! I'm the President of the Her Campus chapter at South Carolina. I'm currently a senior at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, majoring in Marketing and Finance with a concentration in Business Analytics. In my free time, I love to try new restaurants, hang with friends and go on walks. I am always down to catch an amazing view of the sun or the stars!