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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.

ECO-FRIENDLY TIPS AND TRICKS FOR your beauty routine: sustainable and environmentally friendly.

It’s 2022 and it is time for a self-care routine that is safe for our environment. There are so many ways you are able to repurpose your products that are used for self-care without contributing to the thousands of pounds of landfill across our nation. As we care for our own beauty, we need to show the same love to our environment.

So now I present to you, a couple of my favorite beauty tips that make your life easier and make the environment around you thrive.

-Repurpose your jars and containers –

Just finished your face wash or moisturizer? Got some empty candle jars from the previous bath you took? Clean out those containers and use them to hold hair ties, cotton swabs, or even bobby pins. If you are super crafty you could paint old jars and use them as vases for flowers for your own home décor!


As of 2020, the global green technology and sustainability market size was valued at 10.32 billion and is expanding to this day. There are several eco-friendly brands offered at several beauty centers including Sally’s Hair Salon, Ulta Beauty, and Sephora. If you are not sure where to start looking, do research on quality eco-friendly brands and look for stores around you that offer them. For beauty centers like Sephora and Ulta ask an employee to guide you to eco-friendly brands whether that includes recyclable containers, minimal packaging, or brands that do not engage in animal testing.


Microfiber cloths are one of the best tools to use when washing your face and your body. You are able to remove bacteria from makeup and exfoliate dead skin with just water! This is especially good for those of you who have sensitive skin to certain cleansers. Just use water with a microfiber cloth and your skin will feel as good as new. Microfiber cloths are made of material that is able to wear and tear much longer than those cotton washcloths you have been using!

– Finding Recyclable products-

This may seem like a duplicate to ” shopping eco-friendly tools”; however this is probably one of the most important tips that I could give which is why I saved it for last. Most of our landfills are filled with packaging that simply cannot be recycled into something else which promotes pollution and overall a yucky environment. Using recyclable products and ensuring that these are placed in recycling containers are one of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Look for glass serum bottles, steel makeup containers, or even plastic products that are able to be recycled. If you do not have access to recycling containers gather all of your recyclables in an eco-friendly bag and next time you visit campus and drop them off at one of the many recycling bins.

Luckily today, there are loads of products and tools that we are able to use that won’t harm the environment. It is important to take care of your hygiene while also caring for the environment.

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Marissa DiMaria

South Carolina '24

currently, a sophomore attending the University of South Carolina. Super excited about being a part of HerCampus!