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What It’s Like to Write for Her Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sonoma chapter.

We were so thrilled to see so many of you stop to chat with us when we were tabling last week! We also love how many people signed up to join us after we explained Her Campus to them! If you signed up, if you are thinking about joining us, or if you missed us last week: Here’s everything you need to know about writing for Sonoma State’s chapter of Her Campus.

I’m obviously biased, but I really love writing for Her Campus and would highly recommend it to anyone who might be interested. Not only will you get lots of published writing experience, which will look great on your resume, but our chapter has a lot of fun together and we’re all really supportive of each other.

Sonoma State’s chapter is only one of hundreds of Her Campus chapters at universities all over the country. While our chapter is part of the national organization, it is also completely autonomous. There are some rules that the chapter has to adhere to, but we’re largely independent and uncensored, and usually the most interaction we have with headquarters is when they send stuff from their sponsors for us to give away during tabling. We aren’t beholden to them in any way, but we do get really excited when they choose our articles to share on their social media accounts, which means that thousands of people around the country will get to see them!


Every writer is responsible for writing one article per week. Each week, everyone chooses the topic they want to write about. This is one of the things that new members are often most excited about. We can write about whatever interests us, which means we always have a wide variety of article topics. Being able to write about whatever you want makes writing fun, and writing always comes easier when the topic is one that you feel strongly about.

Article topics are approved every Wednesday, and the articles are due on Sundays. Then the articles are edited by our lovely editors (and I’m not just saying that because they’re going to read this), which is mostly for grammar and clarity rather than content, and the final drafts are uploaded on Tuesdays.

Our chapter meets every other Wednesday, and potential new members are always welcome! At these meetings, we discuss article topics, events, and other plans for the chapter. These meetings are never more than an hour long, so the time commitment is not something that should deter you from joining if you’re interested.

I highly recommend joining our chapter of Her Campus if you are at all interested in writing, professionally or just for fun, or if you want more practice writing. Our chapter is still relatively new, but we’ve created a really fun and supportive community of writers that I am so happy and proud to be a part of. If you have any further questions or you want to join us, you can reach us at the email listed on our page: sonoma-state@hercampus.com, or you can email our campus correspondent and president Carly at carlysaber@hercampus.com.  I really hope that you’ll consider joining us!

Hello, my name is Charlotte! I am an English and Communications major here at Sonoma State, which means that I am pretty much always reading or writing something. I love reading articles posted here on Her Campus, so I am thrilled to have the opportunity to be one of the people who gets to write articles for the site. Aside from writing, I love reading, politics, Netflix, Disney princess movies, the word lovely and the color pink. Thank you very much for reading! all my love, charlotte
Contributor account for HC Sonoma