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On Starting My Own Business

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SOAS London chapter.

Starting a business can be an intimidating and an overwhelming experience, but it is also an incredibly rewarding one. Whether you have a short-term plan or a big vision, the most important thing is to take that first step and then learn and grow as you go along. In the world of entrepreneurship, there is no one right or wrong way to begin. What matters most is that you have the courage and determination to start, and that you are willing to embrace the process of learning and growth. 

My entrepreneurial journey started with my passion for stationery and stickers in the early days of the pandemic. I enjoyed collecting and using them in my daily life, and before I knew it, I had accumulated a large collection of extra items that I wasn’t using. I decided to take advantage of this opportunity and started selling journaling supplies, stationery, and pins online on e-commerce platforms just before starting my first year at university. At first, the response was slow, and I only received an order every fortnight or monthly. But I didn’t let this discourage me. Instead, I continued to research new products and worked hard to increase my inventory. Over time, I started to see more and more orders coming in, and I began to understand the importance of patience and persistence in building a successful business.

One of the most challenging moments in my entrepreneurial journey was preparing for my first physical stall. I was nervous about the response I would receive, and there were definitely moments when I wanted to give up. But the positive feedback and support that I received from my customers gave me the motivation I needed to keep going. This experience taught me the power of staying resolute and true to my passions. 

Now, as I work to expand my store further, I look back on the last year with pride and a sense of accomplishment. Starting a business during a pandemic was not easy, but it was worth it. I have learned so much about running a business, and I have met amazing customers who have supported me along the way. 

For those who are considering starting their own niche business, my advice is to go for it and not let the fear of the unknown hold you back. Find your passion and do what you love. Be persistent, patient, and don’t be discouraged by slow starts. Consistently promote and market your business, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Be open to feedback, as it can help you improve and grow your business. There will always be important decisions to make but do your research well and believe in yourself. 

Remember, starting a business is a journey, and it will take time and effort to get it off the ground. But, with hard work, determination, and a willingness to learn, you can create a successful business that brings you happiness and fulfilment. So, don’t hesitate, take that first step, and I wish you the best on your entrepreneurial journey!

Mahnoor Cheema

SOAS London '23

As a law student by day and dreamer by night, I am always on the lookout for new adventures and ways to make a difference in the world. When I'm not hitting the books, you can find me exploring new destinations, indulging in delicious foods, and catching up on some sleep. But the real excitement for me lies in turning my ideas into a thriving business. I am a firm believer that anything is possible with hard work and determination, and I am constantly pushing myself to turn my dreams into a reality. Whether it's through my studies, my business, or my travels, I am always on a quest to learn, grow, and make the most out of life. I am excited to share my journey of entrepreneurship, travelling and life!