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Top Five Things to Favor

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.

Favor, the app that lets you get virtually anything delivered to your door is quickly become a phenomenon on campus. Favor should be your new best friend. For just a $5 delivery fee and $2 dollar minimum tip, you can have anything from late night food cravings to your laundry delivered to your doorstep. These are the best things to Favor (note: it’s mostly food because in college junk food is a must):

1. Chipotle – It should not be surprising this is in the top spot. It’s necessary to consume Chipotle at least once a week, but it can be difficult to squeeze in the time to go pick it up. A burrito delivered right to your door? Doesn’t get much better than that.

Courtesy of firstwefeast.com


2. Whataburger-Honey butter chicken biscuits should be in a food group of their own but are often craved at odd times of the day. Therefore, Favor eliminates the struggle of waiting in the Whataburger line at midnight.



Courtesy of mysanantonio.com                                                                                                                                                     

3. Ice Cream – If you are sitting at home on a Monday night, watching the Bachelor, and wanting to eat your feelings, ice cream usually does the trick. Instead of standing in the ice cream aisle with no make up and in your sweatpants, you could just Favor it.

Courtesy of giphy.com

4. Water or Gatorade – Heavy and awkward to carry, cases of water or Gatorade are a necessity for every college students but are such a pain to transport. By Favor-ing this you can stay hydrated without breaking a sweat.

Courtesy of Gifbay.com

5. Sprinkles Cupcakes – Whether you’re getting them for a last minute friend’s birthday or all for yourself, Sprinkles cupcakes are a fun treat. Because driving to Preston Center and waiting in a sometimes out-the-door line doesn’t sound fun, this is the perfect thing to Favor.

Courtesy of studyabroadcorner.com

Feature Image: Courtesy of Favor

Christina is a sophomore at SMU studying Advertising and Fashion Media. When not writing, she enjoys cooking, exploring Dallas, and playing with her pug puppy, Stella. You can follow her on Instagram @prettylittlemyers. 
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