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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.

The sun’s shining and glistening off the newly cut SMU grass. The only thing you can think about is getting out of class to go relax and layout by the tanning pool, but you realize that you have a paper due tomorrow in a class that you’re tiptoeing on the line of an A. You tell yourself you’ll only be at the pool for an hour tops and after that get to work on this dreadful essay. Instead, you dawdle by the pool, frolicking in the water and enjoying your procrastination tactics. Yet, when grades come back to you over a week later, you find yourself disappointed with your essay grade and resentful of your past lackadaisical self.

I know it’s hard to keep your mind focused in eighty-degree weather, especially with away weekends around the corner and your inner desperation for a decent tan, but you have to keep your mind focused on the ultimate goal. It’s essential to organize and prioritize your time. Do not procrastinate! That way when it happens to be a nice day, you are not forced to choose between enjoying the weather or doing schoolwork. Capitalize on breaks in between classes and maybe weekend mornings if you are an early bird. Don’t lose sight of the goals you set for yourself when you rang in the New Year. There are only four weeks left of school, push through it, prioritizing your time around the classes that you know you can do well in. Bring your reading to the pool. Turn off your phone for an hour while doing work so that you can be productive enough to spend the rest of the afternoon playing in the sun.

Prioritize and keep organized and spring schoolwork will be a breeze! Don’t become too tempted and teased by the radiant sun!  

Caroline Wright, a double major in Business Marketing and Communication Studies at Southern Methodist University, is thrilled to be part of the Her Campus Team. Although a St. Louis native, she has enjoyed becoming a true Texan in spirit over the past two years! She has been employed by a variety of companies including Kate Spade New York, NBC Universal Pictures, Brynn Bagot Public Relations, Rent the Runway, and Nordstrom. Caroline is currently Social Chair for her sorority Kappa Alpha Theta as well as serves on the Board of SMU's Student Foundation.