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An open letter to girls experimenting with makeup

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.

In all of my eighteen and a half years on this earth, I have found that it is very difficult for women of all ages to complement themselves. We can go on and on about how beautiful and brilliant our mom and our friends are, but we feel awkward and self centered when we are asked to highlight ourselves. So when you put on that lip gloss for the first time, it’s not surprising that you’re scared. You are asking the world to look at you, forcing them to notice you, but by doing this, you’re also opening yourself up to the criticism that comes with being noticed. And this is a scary thing to do. 

I remember battling with myself because I wanted to start wearing foundation my sophomore year of high school. I was worried that people would notice me, and notice a difference in my skin and say something. And they did. Friends and family made comments. “Why are you wearing so much makeup? You have perfect skin!” “You look better without makeup.” I tried to hide behind excuses, but in reality, I put on foundation that morning because I wanted to, and it made me feel like a dime. 

If I could give a piece of advice to myself back then, or any young woman experimenting with makeup, it would be to do what you do unapologetically. People will ask why you’re wearing makeup, they will judge, but that doesn’t mean you are doing something wrong. Be proud of your decision. It all come back to “those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter.” You have a right to experiment with your face, and you have a right to feel your best. Anyone who disagrees is only holding you down from being your truest and happiest self, because in reality it’s all about how you feel when you step out of your door in the morning. 

So tomorrow morning as you’re getting ready to show yourself to the world, think about this article and focus on how you feel, not how others will perceive you. Be bold, and unapologetic about your decision to be your happiest and your best self. 

Feature image courtesy of Pinterest

Hi! I'm the beauty crazed one here at Her Campus SMU. But I also love food, coffee, shopping, traveling, laughing, and of course, writing. You can also find me rambling on about cosmetics and my dogs on my Youtube channel!
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