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My Top 5 Silly Elementary School Valentine’s Traditions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching- a holiday that some of us may have mixed feelings about. You may have a date night planned with your significant other, or you may be like me, and have plans with your friends, popcorn, and a movie. Without a date, V-Day always makes me feel a slight pang of nostalgia. Hopefully, I’m not alone in missing the days in elementary school when it was simple, and you were guaranteed multiple valentines and infinite candy. These traditions may seem silly, but I also sometime miss how cute they were- thats why I’ve compiled a list of the best traditions we all used to know and love. 

Giving Valentines

Chances are, if someone had a crush on you, they gave you a hand-made Valentine. My roommate even used to draw smiley-faces on them for people she liked, and frowney-faces for ones she didn’t! If only it was still that simple, and I could just give guys Shrek valentines. 

Decorating “Mailboxes”

Figuring out exactly how to decorate my valentine mailbox took me days. Please tell me I’m not the only one who wishes homework still consisted of literally just covering something in as many shades of pink as possible. 

Buying the Best Candy 

To be fair, candy is still very important to me, but not quite like it was ten years ago. If you brought a more popular candy (like a Ring Pop), you were definitely winning at Valentine’s Day. 


Little kids can be cutthroat. Back then, stickers were reserved for only people who you actually liked. If I gave you one, you were at least worthy of my time. 

Guaranteed V-Day Parties 

Valentine’s Day parties were some of the biggest of the year, with almost a full day of festivities. I’m honestly still reminiscing about when I could skip all of my classes to exchange candy with my friends. 

Maybe I should take a note from my former self and just devote Valentine’s Day to some of these silly, yet surprisinigly fun traditions again, such as eating as much candy as I possibly can. 

Ruthie is a junior at SMU studying Psychology, Spanish, and Neuroscience. Born and raised in Texas, she loves to travel and enjoys reading, watching Netflix, and spending time with friends.
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