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DO’s and DON’T’s of Away Weekends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.

Ok Collegiettes™, that guy you are sort of friends with just texted you and asked you to his fraternity’s away weekend… You think he is nice… but you don’t know him really well…you are afraid to say yes because it might be awkward…
Well have no fear because Her Campus have your guide to do’s and don’t’s of away weekends.
DO say yes! Regardless of whether you barely know the guy at all or you’ve been dating for years, you WILL have a good time!
DON’T worry about not knowing about any one going, the odds are one or more of your friends will be asked also and this gives you the chance to make some new ones
DON’T freak out about having to share a bed with your date. Everyone’s situation is different so it all depends on what happens in the moment but it always works out.
DO find somewhere else to sleep if you feel uncomfortable. Share a bed with a friend-make their date scoot over!
DON’T feel pressure to hook up with your date. Just because he asked you to an away weekend does not mean he is guaranteed some lovin.
DO finish your homework before you leave on the away weekend because you will be exhausted Sunday and schoolwork will not sound fun.
DON’T over pack. You will most likely be driving down with your date and other couples and no one enjoys being in an over packed car for a road trip. 
DO have fun! What could be more fun than going on a mini vacation with all of your friends? Not much, so enjoy it! 

Caroline Wright, a double major in Business Marketing and Communication Studies at Southern Methodist University, is thrilled to be part of the Her Campus Team. Although a St. Louis native, she has enjoyed becoming a true Texan in spirit over the past two years! She has been employed by a variety of companies including Kate Spade New York, NBC Universal Pictures, Brynn Bagot Public Relations, Rent the Runway, and Nordstrom. Caroline is currently Social Chair for her sorority Kappa Alpha Theta as well as serves on the Board of SMU's Student Foundation.