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6 Reasons we love Her Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.

Her Campus Media turned six years old on Wednesday! We love this organization so much and we want to tell you why!

“The opportunity to write and edit for a national web publication on the college level is an invaluable experience at this age.” – India Pougher, Junior, HC SMU Campus Correspondent

“I love writing for her campus because it gives me a chance to meet new people and explore in my own community what is going on and what people are interested in.” – Chloe Dinsdale, Senior, HC SMU Writer

“It’s a fantastic YoPro* resume experience that is way better than filing papers and getting coffee. “ *YoPro = young professional  Hannah Claire Brimelow, Junior, HC SMU Writer

Courtesy of Sweetapolita

“Her Campus is my go-to guide for style advice and my closest writing family! I love reading about similar struggles with other collegiettes.” Trina Sriram, First-year, HC SMU Writer

“I love Her Campus because it gives me a chance to connect not only with the girls on my campus but with the greater Dallas area. It gives me the opportunity to meet girls from all four years, and it gives me the chance to mentor while being mentored.” – CarleeAnn Allen, Senior, HC SMU Writer

“I love Her Campus because it lets me talk about being a girl on campus with other girls on campus. I like it because it lets me talk about fun things and also important things” – Moriah Raisis, First-year, HC SMU Writer

Happy birthday from the HC SMU team!

India is a former campus correspondent at Southern Methodist University and a former national news blogger at HerCampus.com. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @IndiaPougher!