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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.


Tip one: Toothpaste helps reduce pimples


On smaller pimples, it works great. Toothpaste actually contains alcohol, which has the ability to dry up pimples and reduce the redness and swelling. Keep in mind; the toothpaste only works as long as the pimples are brand new. If it has been there for more than a day or if it’s worse than when it emerged, don’t try this trick. In order to do this trick first make sure to wash your hands and face. Squeeze a small amount of toothpaste on your finger and dab a thin layer over the blemish. Let it dry for a couple hours and then peel it off. Wash your face afterwords and continue with your daily facial skin routine.


Tip two: Caffeine fixes puffy eyes


Have you ever used cooled tea bags under your eyes to reduce puffiness? Well it works. It works because there is caffeine in the tea that is shrinking the blood vessels under the skin. By applying caffeine topically, it will reduce the fluid under the eyelid skin. This will work by using an eye cream, which has caffeine as an ingredient as well. The same thing works if you drink coffee. The change may not be visible at first, but the caffeine will reduce the swelling. Keep in mind that you must drink a good amount of coffee for it to have the same effect as applying it topically.


Tip three: Lemon juice lightens hair


As a young kid I would apply lemon juice to my hair during the summertime. Turns out it actually works. When the citric acid of lemon juice is applied to the hair, it opens the hair cuticle so that when it is exposed to the sun, the sun will affect each strand. On the down side, applying lemon juice yourself will not give you the same control as if you get your hair done in a salon. Sometimes the lemon juice will turn your hair an orange color rather than a golden or honey blonde you may hope for. In order to do this to your hair make sure you have gloves on to protect your hands. Combine ¼ cup of warm water with 1 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Put the combination in a spray bottle and spray your entire head. If you want streaks or highlights dip cotton ball in the mixture and apply it only to the strands you wish to highlight. Sit in the direct sunlight for 60-90 minutes and then wash and deep condition your hair. Keep in mind, the changes won’t happen overnight. It may take a couple days or even weeks to see change. While this is a cheap way to lighten your hair its not very good for your scalp. If you do choose to apply lemon juice to your hair, try not to apply it directly on your scalp. The combination of the sun and the citric acid might create a rash on your scalp called dphytophotodermatitis.


Tip four: Olive oil stimulates hair growth


As long hair has become very popular, many women are looking for ways to stimulate their hair growth. When you apply olive oil to your hair, the speed of the growth will not increase. The olive oil will decrease breakage in your hair but it wont speed up the growth of it. With that said, while the breakage decreases it will help keep the hair healthier and it may grow. At the same time, the smell of olive oil lingers for a while after you use it. There are many other options for hair renewal that will work better and don’t involve putting something from your pantry into your hair.

Tip five: Cold showers make your hair shinier


Cold water closes hair cuticles, which strengthens the hair.  Through closing the hair cuticle it will make the hair less likely to be affected by environmental conditions that could harm it. A good way to use this tip is to rinse your hair with cold water after the end of your shower. Rinse it in the cold water for at least ten seconds or for as long as you can stand it. Another tip is to avoid blow-drying your hair right after a shower. It will reverse the effects of the cold water that you just made.


Tip six: Spraying your makeup with hairspray locks it in place.


It has become a common last minute beauty trick especially for performers. The hairspray will in fact keep your makeup in place. On the other hand, the chemicals aren’t very good for your skin and the negative effects of the chemicals may be much higher than the benefits. If you are having trouble keeping your makeup locked in place, consider purchasing a primer, MAC makes a great spray called Fix + which locks your makeup in place.


Tip seven: Cucumber slices fix puffy eyes


Many of us have seen this trick in movies relating to the classic beauty makeover. Good news is that it does work. Anything that is cold that is laid on the eyelids will shrink the blood vessels beneath the skin and reduce the amount of fluid that is collected there. On the down side, the effect is not super strong. If you have a severe case of puffy eyes the change may not be visible to the human eye.


Tip eight: Egg whites fight against cellulite


Egg whites are a good short term cover for cellulite, but they will not get rid of or fight against cellulite. Rubbing egg whites on the skin will temporarily form a tight film over the skin, which could make the skin appear smoother. In the long run though, cellulite is not going to go away because of egg whites. The egg whites will only make you appear to have less cellulite; once the egg whites are rubbed off you will see no change in your skin.


Tip nine: Sleeping on your back helps avoid wrinkles


There is no evidence that states that sleeping on your back decreases fine lines and wrinkles in the long term.

If you choose to sleep on your back the next morning you will look less misshapen first thing in the morning, but it doesn’t work in the long run. To decrease the chances of getting wrinkles, make sure to moisturize your skin daily.


Tip ten: Milk and Honey baths make your skin softer


Who saw Snow White and the Huntsman? A famous image, Charlize Theron emerges from the milk bath as the evil queen in this movie.

It turns out this actually works. Lactic acid, which is found in milk, is a natural skin softener. If the bathtub is too much, soaking hands or feet in the mixture will have the same effect. Add honey in as well for the anti-bacterial effects.

SMU Class of 2015 Temerlin School of AdvertisingAdvertising Major Graphic Design Minor