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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. I mean, what’s not to love? November is basically a month dedicated to being grateful, which is something the world could always use a lot more of.  Life tends to get busy, and taking a step back to just list a few things you’re thankful for can make all the difference. Here are just a few of my favorite things about Thanksgiving:


1. A break from school right when you need it

It’s that point in the semester. And by that point, I mean the point where the temperature drops 20 degrees, you have an exam or paper due every day of the week, and you’re feeling just a little more irritable than usual. The work hard, play hard attitude of September and October seems long gone. But what’s that you see? A light at the end of the tunnel? That week off always comes right when you need it the most, giving some much needed time to turn off your brain, recharge, and come back ready to finish off the semester strong.


2. Family
Of course, family is one of the most wonderful parts of Thanksgiving. Being away from home  (and a home cooked meal) makes you all the more excited about sitting around the table with your fam while answering all of your grandma’s questions about school. It’s truly the little things. While family is a great part of the holiday season for a lot of people, others might have a more complicated relationship with family or not be able to go home for the holidays, which  is perfectly fine because there’s always…


3. Friendsgiving!

Whether you’re staying at school for Thanksgiving, or celebrating the holiday with your pals at home, there’s nothing better than getting everyone together for a good old fashioned Friendsgiving. Maybe that means a home cooked meal, or maybe it’s just Chinese takeout, but either way it’s sure to be a good time when the gang’s all together.


4. It’s officially the start of the Christmas season

The second Thanksgiving ends, it’s time to crank the Mariah Carey. Personally, I waste no time getting into the Christmas spirit (it only lasts so long!), and will be watching A Christmas Story on repeat and baking cookies until New Years (and probably after that, who am I kidding?).


5. Uhhh food? Duh?

No explanation needed.


Whatever your favorite part of the holiday season, it’s a time of year that’s really whatever you make of it, and a perfect time to start some awesome new traditions with friends and family that’ll have you looking forward to it for years to come!



Cover Photo: https://www.pinterest.com/casstosh/snoopypeanuts-thanksgiving/


Image 1: https://www.pinterest.com/casstosh/snoopypeanuts-thanksgiving/


Connecticut girl currently residing in Vermont as a senior at Saint Michael's College. English major with a love for writing, running, skiing, and all things Broadway.