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Open Letter to My Friends from Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.


An Open Letter to My Friends From Home,


Thank you. I don’t think you truly understand how grateful I am to have had you through high school and now into college. With everything that life throws at us (epilepsy, lost shoes at the bar, new boyfriends from across the country and everything far and in between) I could not imagine dealing with anything without you all.  Despite being scattered across the country, you’re there through thick and thin and I think I owe a few thank yous for the last few years.


Thank You for the Constant Judgement-Free Advice From the Group Chat

Whether I am distraught from a night out or studying for an exam, the constant flow of wisdom keeps me going. You all remind me to keep my head up high when I have made a mistake and you always urge me do my best. Through the paragraphs of texts or the small inspirational quotes thrown my way, I know when my world is crashing down, you are all there to pick me up, text after text.


Thank You for all the Times You’ve Kept Me Grounded

Being a teenager, our lives revolve around constant mistakes and regrettable decisions. Despite these horrible judgement calls throughout the years you have stood by me and helped me pull myself back together. Thank you for never letting me stray too far and for always reminding me who I am when I begin to forget.


Thank You for Always Believing in Me

As majors change and future plans go awry, thank you for always supporting my every move. Thank you for always congratulating me when things go right and always guiding me when things do not go as planned. I know whatever life throws our way, I have a support team to push me forward.


Thank You for The Honesty

Sometimes when we mess up and get so caught up in it all, we need to be enlightened of our mistakes or misjudgements. Thank you for always telling me when I am wrong and then despite my mistakes, advising me on what to do next. Not only do you educate me on where I have gone astray, you keep me from buying those hideous shirts or shoes that I really couldn’t afford anyways.


Thank You for Always Reminding Me Where I Came From

Every experience changes us, especially in a new environment with new people. Throughout these experiences we evolve into different and sometimes unfamiliar people. Even if I am not the same person I once was, thank you for continually reminding me of my roots and my morals and for never letting me forget where I came from.  


There are a million and one things I owe you a thank you for. The endless laughs, the shoulders to cry on, the pep talks before an exam. The list is infinite. Regardless of the new friends that come and go, there is something irreplaceable about friends that experienced the middle part and Hollister t-shirt phase. And I know that we are miles apart and the time spent away can seem like forever but the distance really only reaffirms how influential and important you all are. Whenever something happens (whether it is a new obsession with blueberry bagels or a new boy) you are the first people I tell and I am forever grateful for that. So thank you. Thank you all for sticking by me through thick and thin, for holding my head up high when I can’t hold it myself, and for never letting me forget who I am.