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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

Meet Merrill Poor! Merrill is truly one of the brightest lights on this campus! Whether you see her Fridays at 12 getting ready for LOW lunch, leading the responsorial psalm every Sunday, or rocking out to the Jonas Brothers, this one of a kind cutie makes SMCVT the best place to be!

Year: 2015 

Birthday: December 25th, 1992

Major: Psychology major, Sociology minor

Single or Taken? Single


1) What are you top two guilty pleasure foods?

Definitely peanut butter (I eat an excessive amount of it) and probably raisins (I like to eat them plain sometimes).

2) What do you look for in someone?

I really value honesty in my relationships. Trustworthiness, compassion, unconditional love (when it’s earned), and humor are good too!

3) What are your favorite activities to do during your free time?

I love spending time with my friends, hanging out with my mom, shopping, watching tv, and running.

4) Celebrity Crush?

Nick Jonas!

5) What fun fact would you like the Her Campus readers to know about you?

I have two goats- Sonia and Jack!


Vice President of Editorial Staff SMCVT who loves to make people's day with a smile :)