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The Man, The Myth, The Legend: Moise St. Louis

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

As I walked into my first college class last semester, I was overwhelmed and nervous to meet my professor, Moise St. Louis. I slumped down into my chair and looked around the room, waiting anxiously for class to begin. Finally, in walked Professor St. Louis, grinning ear to ear, his voice echoing in the silence. He may have been intimidating that first day of class, but little did I know Moise St. Louis, or Mo as we all call him, is one of the most respected, loved and influential professors here on campus. He never fails to push his students to their full potential while guiding them through the process. He truly emphasizes what Saint Michael’s is really about, which is why I was fortunate enough to sit down with the busy man himself.

Her Campus: How long have you been at Saint Michaels? Why did you start here?


Moise St. Louis: I have been at St. Mike’s for 12 years.  I came to work for St. Mike’s because I thought the place had a lot of potential and I could make a difference in the lives of students and at the institutional level.


HC: What is your favorite Alliot meal?


Mo: The New Cappuccino machine.


HC: What is the most rewarding part about teaching?


Mo: For me it is the ability to inspire students to seek higher ground and develop a broader and more critical analytical framework.  It is the opportunity to see them get excited because they can connect the dots and make sense of their world.


HC: Who inspires you the most?


Mo: My mom, my wife and kids, and students who are able to overcome unbelievable challenges.


HC: If you could create one course here at SMC what would it be?


Mo: A History of Race in America through films because few courses are offered in this area and our students need it.


HC: What does SMC have that no other college or university has?


Mo: The commitment to support every student in Student Affairs is one thing that I appreciate. Other colleges may say they do the same but they would be hard pressed to provide the level of care and support we do. I think this is reflected in our retention and graduation rate and the level of satisfaction of our students.


HC: If you could tell your past self something what would it be?


Mo: When things seem impossible, react less and plan more.