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Last Two Weeks of the Semester: And So Much To Do

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

With only a few more weeks of classes and then finals to get through, the end of the semester is in sight! But there are still so many things to do until I can relax, start a summer job, and unwind.  


1. Get through these final few classes

Although there are only about 3-5 classes left, there is still so much work to do! Many of my classes have their last rounds of testing/quizzing right before finals, so it’s still pretty high-stress.  Even though there are not many classes left, professors like to make the most out of the time they still have with us and still expect us to do our best on the homework, something easily pushed off.


2. Get through finals

It’s pretty unfortunate this semester that I have to take finals in all my classes, and I have to stay until the very last day.  Usually when I am feeling unmotivated to study and do my work, I will try to work out, eat a snack, take a shower, or go on a walk to clear my mind so that I can be focused.  Also, it helps to be somewhere with minimal distractions when you study so I tend to study in libraries or quiet areas.  I’ve also know people who go into the Chapel to study when they get very stressed out.  There are also a ton of resources for students who need help studying or need extra support to prepare for finals.


3. Move out

I am a first year, so this will be my first experience moving out of a dorm.  I have to admit that I am quite worried about getting all of my belongings to fit in the car, but I’m also excited for this challenge.  I feel like moving out will be bittersweet because my freshman year will be coming to an end, but I have to say that I’m SO excited for the summer and for next semester.  Although this is ending, there’s still much more to look forward to!


4.  All the end of the year events!

Since it’s the end of the year, there are so many events put on by clubs and different organizations!  All of the acapella groups have their spring concerts as well as many other plays and recitals put on by different groups.  Not only that, but some professors have barbeques for their students to attend, a great way to end out a semester with your classmates and professor.  The school also puts on P-Day, a day of fun activities to help people de-stress before finals.  With the end of the year comes many opportunities for more great memories.


While the end of the semester can be sad, it is also a fantastic time.  The weather starts to warm up and you can spend more time outside in shorts and t-shirts (Goodbye seasonal depression!).  There are many challenges to overcome before you can lay on a couch for days on end, but there are also many exciting things to do that even out the not-so-fun stuff.  



Image sources: 

Image 1: https://ssdiaries.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/giphy-4-copy.gif?w=676

Image 2: https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/enhanced/webdr06/2013/4/30/17/anigif_enhanced-buzz-17144-1367358749-1.gif

Image 3: https://gradeslam.org/blog_images/257/packing.gif

Image 4: https://media.giphy.com/media/OQsMAZopl9SjC/giphy.gif

Image 5: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/OSJtj3o2PQ_Kv5KDLTGTRjm0a_HYuIAcuqXL0JaXVGIChNcuf_nZ2IsOpAWVrEwHpVute0qY7ASopj7f8vMvx-vPV6BkDf6RDMUGn3qxROGTQVmMr3Xj1Jhkc2fCvlmcGAFvy-6P

CC for HC SMCVT. Massachusetts girl, who somehow ended up in Northern Vermont. Senior at Saint Michel's College studying Media, Journalism & Digital Arts. Interests include: running, Bridesmaids, bagels, the color navy and guacamole. Firm believer that you can never be overdressed or overeducated.