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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

If you’ve never had the opportunity to attend one of Saint Michael’s MOVE service trips, I would highly recommend applying and trying one out! Last year as a freshman, I had the opportunity to travel to New Orleans, Louisiana with a group of 8 students and a faculty advisor. We stayed in a small town called Slidell for the week volunteering with Habitat for Humanity, and by the end of the week, we had constructed and raised 4 walls to the house! It was my experience freshman year that inspired me to apply again and venture to Immokalee, Florida as a sophomore; this would be another unforgettable week.


The Immokalee service trip just so happened to be a Habitat for Humanity trip too, so it was a good thing that I had brushed up on my hammering skills the year before! The Habitat workers and coordinators are always so kind and welcoming to volunteers, showing them the ropes and making themselves available to ask questions. This was helpful for me this year as I found myself, a 6 foot 1 inch young woman, standing on an excessively tall ladder- scared out of my mind.


This trip was different to New Orleans in the sense that we didn’t work on one house the whole week, but rather we volunteered at 3 different sites! Tasks ranged from hammering to painting, using a nail gun, and cleaning up around the various sites. We truly helped out where the Habitat leaders needed us to, and they were extremely grateful. 

During our afternoons in the Florida sun, we volunteered at the Immokalee Community School with students ranging from preschool through 6th grade. On Monday, we were told that each of us would be split up, volunteering with a specific grade all week. I was nervous to leave my fellow volunteers but knew that it was best to go where they needed us. I found myself working with the first grade for the entirety of our stay, and saying goodbye to the kiddos after school on Friday was far from an easy task. I predominantly worked one-on-one with students or in small groups, going over reading and math lessons. Sometimes students would ask for help just so I could come and sit next to them for a few minutes, even if they knew exactly what they were doing. That was cute :)

While in Florida, we got to explore various farmers markets, beaches, and local restaurants and ice cream shops. The focus of our trip was 100% service, but it was also interesting to learn more about the Immokalee area.


All in all, I can’t put into words how incredible of a week I had. From making new friends I had never known before at Saint Mike’s, to running around playing lacrosse in the schoolyard with the first graders, the memories I made still bring a big smile to my face. I STRONGLY encourage others who are at all interested to check out the MOVE office or talk to someone who has gone on a service trip. You won’t regret it! Enjoy some of my favorite photos from the week!


Media Studies, Journalism, and Digital Arts & Spanish double major with a Business Administration minor at Saint Michael's College in Colchester, VT. Member of the Varsity Women's Tennis Team, Student Athlete Advisory Committee, Honors Program, Founder's Society, Tour Guide, Book Award Recipient, and lector in the Chapel of Saint Michael the Archangel. One of two NE10 student athlete reps. 3.96 cumulative GPA. Dean's List Honoree every semester.
Jewelry maker and business owner at Homegrown Jewelry VT. Business Administration Major with a concentration in Entrepreneurship and an Economics Minor.