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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

Meet Hannah Page! 

Hannah is sassy, sweet, and sure to be setting the SMCVT campus ablaze with her huge heart and great personality! While she loves Zac Efron and those adorable 1D boys, this cutie loves anything Irish and making the most out of the beautiful Vermont fall! 

Name: Hannah Page

Year: 2017

Major: Exploratory

Birthday: April 6, 1995

Single or Taken? Single


1) What is your favorite time of year?

My favorite time of year is probably autumn. I love seeing the leaves change color and the anticipation of the holiday season, its magical!


2) Do you have a special or hidden talent?

I’m a pretty boring person, I don’t have any “real” special talents, but my brothers say I am really good at annoying them, if that counts.


3) Celebrity crush?

Oh boy! I have so many, but I have a huge crush on Zac Efron and the lads of One Direction.


4) Describe what you look for in someone.

Someone who is down to earth, loyal, honest, kind, funny and appreciative.


5) Favorite book or movie?

My favorite book is Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom and my favorite movie is probably She’s The Man.


6) What is something you’d like the HC SMCVT readers to know about you?

Hmmm, I guess that I’m 100% Irish. I want to study in Ireland at some point I love it there!



Vice President of Editorial Staff SMCVT who loves to make people's day with a smile :)