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The Enriching Heidi St. Peter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

Meet Assistant Director of Academic Support, Heidi St. Peter! From helping us ace our classes to initiating us into SMC’s community through SMC Connects, Heidi is always out and about and helping students. Learn more about all of the amazing work she’s done as we interview her for Campus Celebrity!

Her Campus:  What drew you to Saint Michael’s College?

Heidi St. Peter: I love the community feel, good people, and interesting classes.

HC: What’s your favorite thing about Saint Michael’s College?

HSP: Truly, my favorite thing today (because it does change) is the possibility.  I love watching students come here and just embrace it all.   If you want to try something new, there are options – so many things a student can do inside and outside of class – it is almost overwhelming and at the same time, thrilling.  And I think, as a student, If you want to challenge yourself and do something you didn’t think you were capable of,  there are a dozen people waiting to tell you that you can do ANYthing and they’re willing to support you in that effort.    I love being part of that web of support – watching students jump in, work hard, and figure out who they are and what they want to DO is such a gift!

HC:  What is the Academic Enrichment Commons?

HSP: The Academic Enrichment Commons is the umbrella term (and an actual space in the top floor of the library) for academic supports on campus – Peer Tutoring, the Writing Center, the office of Accessibility, our Testing Center.  We offer workshops on time management and study skills as well.

HC: What is your role in the Academic Enrichment Commons?

HSP: I’m the assistant director of academic support services which means ….   I meet one-on-one with students in a variety of situations who are looking for some support with their time management and study skills.  I also coordinate our 1:1 peer tutoring matches.

HC: What is SMC Connects? How did that get started?

HSP: SMC Connects is a part of our new student orientation in the Fall.  During the summer, my job shifts a bit as I work to assist in the advising process with new students.    That’s how I got involved in this program.  The idea behind it was to connect our new students to our fabulous faculty and staff early on in their time here for a fun and different adventure off-campus as part of learning what it means to be part of the SMC  learning community.  Transitioning from high school, it’s sometimes hard for students to comprehend the importance of relationships with faculty and staff in their time at SMC.    Connecting with faculty particularly can sometimes feel intimidating to new students, but is one of the main reasons one would come to a small college – and that personalized learning approach happens all over campus.  We want students to feel comfortable and capable of accessing all the resources (and people!!) SMC offers and this seemed like a great way to get them off on the right foot.