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7 Reasons Why You Should Watch The 7 Episodes of Big Little Lies

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

HBO has taken the genre of drama into their own hands with their new mini-series “Big Little Lies.” Based on Liane Moriarty’s same-titled best-selling novel, the baddest mom clique of the century takes the big screen! How could you ever pass up the chance to see Reese Witherspoon, Zoë Kravitz, Shailene Woodley, Nicole Kidman, and Laura Dern in one thrilling series full of love and murder?! The kids are cute, the husbands are hot, and binging is a beautiful, beautiful thing. Here are 7 reasons you have to watch these 7 episodes ASAP!


1. You will envy this group of moms like no other. They live on the beach, look gorgeous and have each other’s backs in the end of all the conflict.



2. Reese Witherspoon is so hard not to love! Her character, Madeline, is the HBIC in charge of everything! She’s incredibly sarcastic and isn’t afraid to say what she’s feeling. Where else do we get to see Reese this way??


3. It holds advice we should all hear every once in awhile. After a hard day of tending to her grudges, Madeline is an amazing mom to her two girls. One being in the midst of her teens, gets the reality check we all need and can relate to.



4. You’ll idolize a first grader. Chloe has killer music taste ranging from Leon Bridges to Janis Joplin and is the most popular girl in class. She’s got a great head of curls and is the cutest little girl in the game.


5. Shailene Woodley’s character, Jane, is the best friend that everyone needs. Despite all of her life’s ups and downs, she never fails to be there for her girls when they need a shoulder to cry on or simple reassurance that everything will be okay.


6. Zoë Kravitz’s character, Bonnie, looks and acts like she came straight out of Burlington, Vermont! Bonnie is super crunchy, does yoga, and eats more organic food than good ol’ Vermont farms can even produce!


7. You’ll develop an unhealthy obsession with Elvis Presley’s tunes. The last episode is focused around a fundraiser consisting of Elvis impersonations with a competitive twist. The soundtrack to this episode, and the entire series, is off the chain. Listen on Spotify!

Image 1: https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/0*-5Yo8Y-0vueO4E44.

Image 2: https://media.giphy.com/media/xTiN0wzNdjzAL0tnEY/giphy.gif

Image 3: https://thumbs.mic.com/MTQ0OGViMjJlOCMvUGFMUFJRanFWU1c0Y2pPYlhzaEdxNnBOdHNVPS9maXQtaW4vOTAweDkwMC9maWx0ZXJzOm5vX3Vwc2NhbGUoKTpxdWFsaXR5KDgwKS9odHRwOi8vaW1hZ2VzLm1pYy5jb20vYnU3aWptZ3pkdG5hbHducnl0d3J3aWZlaWZ1aWN2aXJieGYzejg3bTNxejF1c29pOHMyaGFlY3pqdDF0a2kyNy5naWY.gif

Image 4: https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/0*EsyTL-EYdqLSyULl.

Image 5: https://d24bnpykhxwj9p.cloudfront.net/s3file/s3fs-public/users1/2017-04/Tue/giphy%20%2812%29.gif

Image 6: https://typeset-beta.imgix.net/rehost/2017/3/31/5b43b196-82e9-4c5e-b027-bf3358ba9318.gif

Image 7: http://esq.h-cdn.co/assets/17/14/480×240/gallery-1491226078-adam-scott-bll.gif

CC for HC SMCVT. Massachusetts girl, who somehow ended up in Northern Vermont. Senior at Saint Michel's College studying Media, Journalism & Digital Arts. Interests include: running, Bridesmaids, bagels, the color navy and guacamole. Firm believer that you can never be overdressed or overeducated.