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Top 4 Reasons Why You Should Vote on November 6th

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

1. There is more to the government than just the president.

Many people in our generation only think about voting when it’s a presidential election. In elections like the one on November 6th, we’re voting for Congress. The parties that are voted into Congress can be really influential. A super-majority in the Senate could make or break a president. So, in this case, if 60 democrats were voted into the Senate, they would be able to put a hold on whatever agenda Republicans have planned.


 2. The more people who vote, the more likely your voice will be heard.

There are policies that the Republican party is trying to pass, but over half of Americans are against them. These policies include issues like reproductive rights, immigration policy, transgender rights, and welfare funding. The reason why these policies have a chance to be passed or changed is because the citizens who are against them aren’t getting out to vote. If you want to see change in a policy, it’s essential to go to the polls on November 6th.


3. Your vote to a 3rd party candidate can impact the outcome.

While your candidate may not get into office, your vote could still alter the overall outcome. If enough people vote for a 3rd party candidate, it would give the Republicans and Democrats even fewer votes. Also, if you just flat out don’t agree with any other candidates, it is perfectly valid to vote for someone you stand with. That’s what democracy is all about; voicing your opinions and voting is a perfect way to do that.


4. The margin a candidate wins by can be crucial

If you put a dent in a candidate’s margin, it can affect what policies they try to push. They might try to choose a more moderate agenda to ensure they get re-elected. Likewise, if you know the candidate you support is going to win, it can only strengthen their ability to push their agenda.    


At the end of the day, it’s important to go out and vote because your vote could be the deciding factor. It’s time to make a change in our government, and your voice matters!

I am a junior studying Criminal Justice on the pre-law track. When I am not over-committing myself, I enjoy binge watching Netflix and trying to create the perfect playlist. I have an unhealthy obsession with the New York Times and coffee. A shameless plug, but follow me on Instagram @courtneyhadra