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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

On average, I work about 20 hours a week as a babysitter. For 1,200 minutes a week, I am surrounded by children. I change diapers, make endless amounts of Kraft Mac and Cheese and inevitably watch a lot of cartoons geared towards children. The last time I intentionally watched cartoons for children was when I myself was a child. I remember my favorite shows being Dora the Explorer, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and the Wonder Pets. While I greatly enjoyed these shows as a six-year-old, they have not stood the test of time. However, that is not to say that all cartoons geared towards children are inherently childish or lack complexity. 

My work as a nanny has given me a new appreciation for children’s TV. I have compiled a list of three children TV shows I believe every adult should watch. These shows might have originally been made for kids, but that doesn’t mean that adults can’t enjoy them as well. 

“BLuey” (2018-Present)

Bluey” follows the adventures of Bluey, an anthropomorphic Blue Heeler puppy, and her younger sister Bingo. The show is hilarious, adorable and full of positive messages. Bluey encourages children to imagine, play, explore and solve problems. The show follows Bluey and Bingo as they learn important life lessons, such as the importance of sharing and respecting other’s feelings. However, the show also has sly adult jokes and will make you miss being a kid. “Bluey” is available to stream on Disney Plus and Hulu. 

“AVatar: the last airbender” (2005-2008)

Avatar: The Last Airbender” follows Aang, a young boy who discovers he has power to control the four elements of air, water, earth and fire. He joins forces with sibling duo Katara and Sokka to restore balance and harmony to their world wrecked by war. “Avatar: The Last Airbender” is funny and exciting, and has plenty of goofy humor for younger children. But it’s also thought-provoking and emotionally powerful. This show will have you contemplating hard topics such trauma, redemption and spirituality. “Avatar: The Last Airbender” is available to stream on Netflix and Paramount Plus. 

“Gravity falls” (2012-2016)

Gravity Falls” follows Dipper and Mabel Pines who are scheduled to spend summer with their uncle, Grunkle Stan, at his Mystery Shack in Gravity Falls, Oregon. At first glance, Gravity Falls appears to be any small quiet town, but when Dipper discovers a cryptic journal in the woods, his perspective on the region changes. At heart, “Gravity Falls” is a coming of age story wrapped in a mystery. Throughout the series, the audience sees characters change and grow, breaking away from the episodic nature of most cartoons, and instead building a narrative arc that spans the entire show. “Gravity Falls” respects the intelligence of the audience, creating a mystery that is not as in-your-face easy to solve as other children’s cartoons often do. “Gravity Falls” is available to stream on Disney Plus and Hulu.

Like most people, I don’t think I would have willingly started watching children’s TV if I wasn’t forced by my work. However, if you’re on the fence, I totally recommend giving children’s TV a try. Personally, I can get bored of Netflix’s offerings, finding that even though Netflix offers a wide variety of content, it’s not always media that I find interesting or well-written. If you’re feeling bored of your current watch list or want to try something new, I definitely recommend stepping out of your comfort zone and giving kid’s TV a chance!