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Superior Music Genre Suggestions for Studying

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

So, you survived your midterms. Congratulations. But the semester is far from over. If you’re like me, you probably have several upcoming deadlines for papers and group projects. It’s extremely tempting to procrastinate. Getting into a productive mindset can be difficult. One thing that can facilitate this process is choosing the right study music. 

It may be tempting to pick songs from your favorite artists or listen to new albums like Taylor Swift’s “Midnights.” Unfortunately, according to the University of Phoenix, studying while listening to music with lyrics can be distracting and may decrease productivity. This phenomenon occurs because your brain may struggle with processing song lyrics and important academic information simultaneously. 

If you have no issue staying focused on your homework while vibing to loud, upbeat pop songs, then this article may not be for you. However, if you are searching for study music suggestions which will help you succeed this semester, you’re in the right place. 

  1. Classical 

Although there isn’t much validity to the Mozart effect, classical music is worth a try. For starters, there are no potentially distracting lyrics to worry about. Classical music is also typically slower and quieter than other genres, so it may help you relax and stay calm while studying. A study by Stanford University School of Medicine used functional magnetic resonance imaging to show that classical music improves the brain’s ability to pay attention and organize and process new information efficiently. Unfortunately, there are some intense and dynamic classical pieces which might end up being distractions rather than tools for improving focus, so choose your composers wisely. Mozart may be a good starting place. I personally recommend looking into Debussy and Chopin as well. 

  1. Lofi Instrumental 

Honestly, who hasn’t listened to the lofi hip hop radio on Youtube with the animation of the lofi girl studying with her cat? I’ve used this playlist several times throughout my college experience, and it does seem to make me more focused and productive. Lofi music is typically at the perfect tempo to keep me engaged in my work and relaxed. Spotify provides a similar playlist called “chill lofi study beats,” which over a million people also find helpful to listen to while studying. Classical music is great, but some people may prefer listening to something which sounds more modern. 

Unlike classical music, lofi music rarely includes significant changes in tempo or dynamics. According to Vaughn College, listeners tend to keep lofi music playlists on endless loops because it is predictable, there are no distracting lyrics and it can be used to drown out annoying background noise. Listening to instrumental covers of pop songs may not work because you may still end up getting distracted by thinking about the lyrics of the song in your head. Lofi hip hop or other kinds of electronic instrumental modern music may be the solution you’ve been looking for. 

  1. Video Game Music 

I know you probably want to keep scrolling, but hear me out on this one. Video game music is literally designed to keep you engaged and productive without being too intrusive and distracting you from the task at hand. Just as it may inspire you to get to the next level of a game, it could inspire you to get to your next assignment on your to-do list. 

I wouldn’t recommend loud and epic game themes because they may end up turning into a distraction. Instead, look for something consistent and somewhat upbeat like retro 8-bit Nintendo game music if you’re trying to finish work quickly. If you want something that’s a bit more relaxing or might help you feel more creative, I’d recommend checking out some songs from the soundtracks of Minecraft, Journey, The Legend of Zelda or Persona. Even if you don’t play video games, you may enjoy listening to video game soundtracks over classical music while studying. 

While the genres I mentioned may be fun to explore on your own, I encourage you to ask your friends and family what they listen to when they want to be productive. I have friends with excellent grades who only listen to loud rap music or classic rock when they study, so it may be alright to listen to music with lyrics if you don’t find it too distracting. At the end of the day, you just have to find what’s best for you. Hopefully, you can figure that out before finals season.  

Hello, everyone. I am a senior pre-med neuroscience student who loves trying new things. I hope to provide a unique and entertaining perspective to this online community.