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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

One year ago, seventeen lives were cut short during a mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. This horror made headlines all across the country for weeks. This shooting launched the March For Our Lives. The senseless murder of young people led many to cry for gun reform.

One year out, and have we seen any improvements?

According to the New York Times, there have been 1,200 children have lost their lives due to gun violence in the past year. Why are our governments—local, state, and federal—ignoring this crisis? Why are politicians continuously taking money from the NRA?

I am a tired citizen of the United States. I am tired of living in a country where our leaders are ignoring one of the biggest issues facing our youth. Children should not have to be worried if they are going to return home from school or not.

As the first anniversary of this tragedy comes and passes, we will still be living without those victims of gun violence. We need to call on our leaders to make legislation to ensure there are not anymore. We must demand the change we deserve.

On this day, I call on you to call your state and federal legislatures to create that change. Do so in honor of these children.

Intersectional feminist, classical literature appreciater, Game of Thrones fanatic, world traveler, and proud sorority woman.