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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

As a senior graduating this May, I wanted to share some college items that have been with me since the beginning! These items are great because I haven’t had to replace them once throughout my time at university.

Starting strong: an essential oil diffuser. I got mine from Amazon, and it  is also a color-changing nightlight. Diffusers are helpful in college dorms and apartments because, for some reason, they are always dusty. Having an essential oil diffuser can help humidify the air and cleanse the smell, as well as provide benefits when you are sick. Mine also acts as a decoration since it changes colors, and it brightens up the room more since the lighting in my room isn’t great. I use this product daily, and it is inexpensive to keep up with because it just requires water and essential oils, which last a long time. My favorite essential oils are the Sparoom ones which you can also find on Amazon. If you were to get anything from this list I would highly recommend this one because it serves so many functions. However, if you have a roommate make sure to not diffuse scents they don’t like!

Another product that I love is my mini fridge.During my freshman and sophomore years, my roommate and I used this to store snacks since we had a meal plan. Now that I live in an apartment with an actual fridge, I keep my mini fridge in my room because I need the extra freezer space, even if it is small. It is also nice to have drinks or your breakfast in your room so you don’t have to be in the kitchen or disturb your roommates if you have early classes. This item isn’t a necessity, but it has been a perk to have.

Decorative pillows are something that you may feel silly about getting for your first dorm or apartment, but for me, they have been worth it. They add to your room because you most likely won’t have much more space to decorate. They are also nice because you probably won’t have a couch in your dorm room, so having some pillows to prop yourself up on is nice. A maximum of three to four decorative pillows is all you need, otherwise it becomes too much.

A good speaker is a great thing to have in your room. I got a waterproof one from Amazon. I use it in the shower, when friends are over and on trips. Having a good speaker to play music can also help elevate your mood. I wouldn’t recommend a Google Home or Alexa because university Wi-Fi can be tricky to navigate with those kinds of products, so a Bluetooth speaker that can connect to your cellular data is the way to go.

These are just a few helpful items and that I use almost every day. Some others worth mentioning are Brita water bottles, Bath & Body Works’ wallflowers and a fan that doubles as a heater. All of these items are great for college to keep your space fresh and feeling elevated! 

Senior at Saint Louis University. Loves seeing positivity and sunshine.