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The Lalaconverse On Cool Floor
The Lalaconverse On Cool Floor
Her Campus Media

The Beauty of Mosaics

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

“You are the living memory of every person who has ever mattered to you, even for a moment.”

This is one of the most beautiful quotes I’ve stumbled upon recently. I heard this in the final line of a TikTok video about how people are essentially a reflection of the people around them and can be considered mosaics. Here’s my take on the TikTok trend:


● I sometimes pronounce the word “jalapeño” as “JA-LAPEN-OH” because that’s the way my oldest friend says it.

● I pray at sunrise (the first prayer of the day in Islam) because my friend inspired me to do so.

● I strictly abide by food expiration dates because my preschool teacher emphasized them.

● I try to take photos when I go out because my friend said it’s important to capture the moment.

● I say a prayer before I drive because I saw my childhood nanny do that.

● I always greet my friends’ parents if I go over (even if we don’t know each other yet) because my grandma says it’s important to respect your elders.

● I love pistachio ice cream because my mom loves pistachio ice cream.

● I write letters to people because a college friend wrote one to me and I loved it.

● I decorate my house for Ramadan because I saw the pretty decorations my mom’s friend put up one year.

● I run for leadership positions I’m passionate about because a friend of mine said I’ll never know if I could have won or not until I try.

● I continue to study Spanish in college because one of my high school Spanish teachers was the only teacher to see that I was struggling during a difficult time in my life.

● I keep my word because my mom taught me to never betray anyone’s trust.

It amazes me how each of us is shaped by the interactions we’ve had with others and that people close to us, people we no longer stay in touch with, and people we barely know have all contributed to our identity in some way or the other.

I am who I am because of the people I’ve met who have taught me and inspired me, and I will continue to embody the lessons, values, interests and habits that they’ve shared with me.

Because of them, I am the best person I can be.

“If you look close enough at a person, you’ll see all of the pieces of everyone they’ve ever met incorporated haphazardly into a beautiful and unique work of art.

FRIENDS lover (the TV show and the social thing), US history fanatic, world traveler, and can typically be found eating spinach artichoke dip and tacos when not drowning in pre-med studies
Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus at Saint Louis University. Firm believer in the redemptive power of a single story.