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5 Reasons Why Thanksgiving is the Best Holiday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

I’ll admit it, I used to be a Thanksgiving hater.  To be fair, it’s not the most exciting holiday when you’re a child, but it is hands down the best holiday as a ~young adult~.


  1. Seeing loved ones.  Hanging out with old friends is great; spending quality time with your fam is awesome.  It’s been all semester and there’s a lot of tea to catch up spilling.

  2. Food! (duh) Thanksgiving food is good, but thanksgiving food compared to months of dining hall food is on another level.  

  3. It’s a forced study break.  It’s so relaxing to have a day off, even if it’s just for one day.  Enjoying the day with your family is so calming and you’ll appreciate it when you’re back grinding for finals!

  4. It’s underrated.  Nothing is worse that when something doesn’t live up to its hype.  Thanksgiving is always more enjoyable than you thought but still maintains a standing of a medium holiday: it’s the perfect unexpected day. 

  5. Gratitude.  Being with people you care about and feeling grateful just gives you those warm feelings inside.  Pie and introspection hits different.


Lily is a sophomore at SLU from Pittsburgh. She loves fashion, politics, and trying new recipes.