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5 Podcasts That Will Get You Into Podcasts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

Over the past year or so, I have found a certain love for podcasts. Sometimes, you’re too busy to sit down and watch a TV show or YouTube. Other times, you want more mental stimulation than music can give you or you’re just not in the mood for music. I am not usually an auditory learner, but through listening to podcasts, I have learned so much, ranging from random facts to deep, psychological concepts. I urge everyone to try to delve into the world of podcasts; there truly is one for everyone, but here are a few of my favorites.


1. Armchair Expert with Dax Shephard

This podcast is hosted by Dax Shepard and Monica Padman as they interview varying celebrities. However, it is so much more than that. Dax Shepard has a degree in Anthropology, which he uses as he asks he guests about their childhood stories, vulnerabilities, and successes. Most of his guests are friends of his, and in a way it adds to the appeal of the podcast. While listening, you almost feel like a fly on the wall, listening to two friends talk- and they just happen to be famous.

Favorite Episode: “Ashton Kutcher”-Episode 3


2. Girlboss Radio with Sophia Amoruso

This podcast meshes two of my greatest passions: feminism and business. Sophia Amoruso was the founder and CEO of Nasty Gal , an online retailer. As a self-made businesswoman, she faced many trials and tribulations, which she now shares with other women to give them advice about a world dominated by men. The podcast is very business-heavy, however, it does not appeal just to businesswomen. Her episodes invite a different woman on each episode to discuss their journeys to success and to offer advice to the listeners on how to become girl bosses themselves. Also, if you would like to learn more about Amoruso’s very interesting life, you should watch her show on Netflix, “Girlboss.”

Favorite Episode: “Alyssa Mastromonaco, COO Vice Media & Former Deputy Chief of Staff to Obama”


3. Ladies Who Lunch

“Ladies who Lunch” is a podcast that does exactly as the title might imply. YouTubers Ingrid Nilsen and Cat Valdes meet for lunch and discuss topics that are, as they describe, “often left out of polite conversation.” The topics they explore are usually deeper but provide a conversation that is not often had. I like this podcast so much because it draws attention to topics that people feel guilty about discussing. The set-up of the podcast is very much just two friends meeting for lunch and having a conversation that just so happens to be about difficult subjects. The podcast has since ended, but there are still about three-years-worth of episodes.

Favorite Episode: “Seeking Social Acceptance”


4. Crash On My Couch

Another podcast hosted by YouTube personalities, but this one focuses more on light-hearted topics. The podcast is hosted by couple Arden Rose and Will Darbyshire, and it is broken into many different and hilarious segments, like “What the Fuck Japan” and “Weekly Idiot.” They talk about anything and everything, from conspiracies to weird internet culture. The podcast will leave you with a plethora of new and random knowledge after each episode.

Favorite Episode: “Grandpa’s Edibles & the Anti-Masturbation Cereal” – Episode 41


5. The Heart of It with Estee Lalonde

“The Heart of It” is a different style than the rest of the podcasts on this list because the setup is very particular. Estee Lalonde talks about topics that she is passionate about with a guest, however, it is unique in the fact that the podcast does not center around interviews or advice-giving. The podcast has more of a scripted and storytelling feel to it. It offers a different experience frpm any other podcast that I have listened to before.

Favorite Episode: “Mom”


Hello, I am Marissa Oxendine. I love local coffee shops, succulents, and passionate conversations. I feel very strongly about feminism, social justice, and shopping local. I'm in love with my zodiac sign (Aquarius) and all things Girl Power.