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10 Things I Hate About You Julia Stiles Heath Ledger
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10 Things I Hate About You: Red Flags in Potential Partners

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

Are you ever talking to a potential partner you’re interested in and wondering what’s wrong with them? Maybe it’s just me, but I do this all the time. While everyone has flaws, there are some that are worse than others that I think everyone should be aware of before getting into a relationship with someone. These traits can be found in anyone, but in my experience it has specifically been men.

  1. Calls Every Single One of His Exes Crazy

If the person you’re talking to calls every single one of his or her exes crazy, then he or she is the problem. Take this as a sign that if you date this person, he or she will make you go crazy. 

  1. Rude to People in the Service Industry

When you go on a date with someone, and you notice that they’re rude to your waiter or don’t tip well, say no to a second date. You never want to end up in a relationship with someone who isn’t understanding or respectful. This is a good way to know how this person might end up treating you.

  1. Can’t Take a Joke

Personally, a sense of humor is important in a potential partner. I immediately feel disconnected when a guy can’t laugh at a joke and takes everything seriously. The last thing I want is to date someone boring.

  1. Acts Like You’re His Mother

Trusting the person you’re dating to help you and be there for you is important, but only to a certain degree. You do not want a partner who expects you to cook all of his or her meals, do his or her laundry and clean his or her room. Your partner is not five years old, and you are not his or her mother.

  1. Thinks Being Tall is a Personality Trait

This might just be me since I am five feet tall, but guys that think being 6’4’’ is the most important thing about them are disgusting. To all the guys reading this, do you really have nothing else going for you? And to anyone else reading this, do you really want to spend countless hours listening to some guy go on and on about how tall he is?

  1. Love Bombing

Having someone care about you and compliment you is great, but at a certain point it can be too much. When I mean too much, I mean telling you he or she in love with you a month into your relationship. Generally, a relationship with someone like this will seem like it’s going way too fast.

  1. Has No Hobbies

If you have no hobbies, what do you do in your free time? Usually, someone with nothing to do expects you to hang out with them during their free time. Personally, I have a million things to do and cannot date someone who expects me to be with them 24/7.

  1. Only Texts You at Night

Don’t you love it when you get a “wyd” text at two in the morning? Me neither! Any person who texts you this does not want to date you; they just wants to have sex with you. Don’t waste your time on them.

  1. “Flirty Personality”

This one’s pretty simple but if the person you’re dating is flirting with other people, he or she is not worth your time or tears.

  1. Still Besties with His Ex

I understand that mutual breakups are a thing but there’s a difference between being friendly with your ex and being best friends with your ex. If your partner has a bad day and the first person he or she goes to for comfort is his ex, then you should probably get a partner who’s not in love with someone else.

While these seem small, they can lead to more significant issues like manipulation and emotional abuse. It’s easier to end things before you end up in a toxic relationship. Always keep an eye out for behaviors that make you uncomfortable or upset. When you feel like something isn’t right, verbalize your feelings instead of sucking them up. You are not overdramatic for speaking your mind.

Writer at Her Campus at Saint Louis University. Biggest goal in life is to be the real-life version of Christina Yang.