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10 ~Chill~ Artists to Listen to When You Need Background Music

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SLU chapter.

I love music. Just having some tunes on when I’m cleaning, or doing my morning yoga, or finishing up some papers can be the absolute best stress reliever for me, and can increase my productivity a lot. 




Sometimes songs with intense beats or lots of lyrics can be distracting. So I’ve been opting for more chill bops lately: songs that I can relax to and work over. 


Here are my top 10 calming artists as of late. Listen and straight vibe, my dudes. 


1. Hollow Coves

This is the type of music you want to road trip to as you drive up the east coast with your best friends. Soft with hints of nostalgia, you really can’t beat Hollow Coves. 


2. Lana del Rey

Lana has always been my queen, but her new album “Norman F***ing Rockwell” really did me in. All of the songs on this album are smooth, subdued, and excellently versatile. Listen to the lyrics and cry…or don’t listen to the lyrics and just coast on the brilliant instrumentals. Whatever works for you. 


3. Japanese Breakfast

Spellbindingly unique, there’s something haunting about lead singer Michelle Zauner’s voice. If an acid trip was a feeling, and you mixed that in with the comfort of watching the sunset, you’d get JB. 


4. Of Monsters and Men

Gorgeous, gorgeous songs, on tracks that fit together like pieces of an immaculate puzzle. Each album is cohesive. OMAM has come a long way since “Little Talks”, and trust me, this is a glo-up you’ve got to hear. 


5. Bon Iver

Bon Iver basically plays lullabies for grown ups. ‘Nuff said. 


6. Sons of the East

A more recent find, Sons of the East plays folk/indie bops that are soothing for the soul. 


7. Tall Heights

Ever since I saw Tall Heights open for Judah and the Lion, I’ve been hooked on their music. One guy plays a guitar, the other plays a cello, and together, with flawlessly harmonic vocals, they make dreamy music that you can feel resonating deep in your stomach. 


8. Frances Cone

I fell in love with this band after watching them open in a very small venue. I was instantly amazed at the calming, yet provocative nature of the lead singer’s voice. Listen to “Unraveling” once, and you’ll never stop listening to “Unraveling”. Period. 


9. Dodie

An absolutely adorable gal with an angelic voice. I’ve always admired Dodie’s honesty, which comes out in her lyrics and her stripped down style. Lots of her songs deal with mental health, which is pretty darn neat. 


10. Coldplay

“YOUR SKIN AND BONES TURN INTO SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL!!!” Wow. I just love Coldplay. Like. A. Lot. And honestly, who doesn’t?

Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus at Saint Louis University. Firm believer in the redemptive power of a single story.