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“Sunshine” Sara Hughes ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Skidmore chapter.


Campus Cutie: Sara Hughes a.k.a “Sunshine Sara”

Year: 2017        

Major: Undeclared

Hometown: Randolph, MA

Hobbies/Interests: Languages, harmonizing with other people, snowboarding, scary movies, and listening to wonderful music. (The London Philharmonic can do no wrong and neither can John Mayer.)

Relationship Status:  Single


Celebrity crush?

Young Leonardo DiCaprio

Describe your perfect date.

Perfect? A warm, hazy summer night… a grill, some burgers, and a campfire. I would not complain if a guitar and a guy who plays said guitar were present.

Most attractive qualities in a guy, both physical and not:

  • Loving music
  • Well-dressed
  • Having (but totally owning) a quirk or secret talent
  • Humility
  • Clever wit. (Banter happens to be one of my favorite pastimes.)

What is a deal breaker for you?

Being too available.

Three things on your Bucket List:

  1. Speak fluent French.
  2. Grow out my hair. (It’s pretty short now.)
  3. See a J.Crew photo-shoot and/or runway show.