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Must-Have Apps for Any College Gal!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Skidmore chapter.

Must-Have Apps for Any College Gal!


Ever been stuck in a situation where you need advice or just an unbiased person to vent to, but you just can’t find the right person? Well I’ve got the solution. The app Relationup is perfect for college students who need a quick therapy session with a professional, even if it is between classes. With Relationup, you pay a low price for quality time with a professional and confidential therapist. The best part? It’s all via text, so you can do it from the comfort of your window seat, or during a break between classes.

Be Focused:

Be Focused is the best app for managing your time, keeping track of your goals, and not getting distracted. The app lets you make a to-do list, time how long each thing takes, and plans out your study breaks. That way, you won’t stop every 5 minutes to talk to friends or get a coffee.


Intellidrink is an app that helps you track how much you’re drinking throughout the week. Based on your height, weight, age, and gender, it will tell you what your approximate blood alcohol level is at the time and lets you add drinks as you go on. It is super easy to use and helps you be a responsible drinker. This app could come in handy for you and your friends who aren’t sure how intoxicated they are. Because alcohol does not always hit you as soon as you drink it, Intellidrink can help you predict how intoxicated you will become when drinking, even if you do not feel super shwasty at the time.


Have you ever handed over your phone to your sister or dad so that they can send themselves your vacation pics only to have them start scrolling through pictures from the year that they definitely will not be happy about? Well PhotoVault is the app for you. You can download your pictures straight from your camera roll into the app and then set a passcode. The app will delete the photos from the camera roll but will keep them safe and sound where no nosey parents can find them.


Venmo is one of my favorite and most used apps on my phone. I cannot explain how many times I have been without cash at a cash-only restaurant or stuck desperate at the mall for some new clothes with my credit card laying on my desk at home. Venmo is an amazing app that you can link your bank account to so that when someone pays for you, you can send them money straight from your account to theirs.

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Emma Bernstein

Skidmore '19

Senior polisci major with a passion for matcha, Cristiano Ronaldo, late-night political comedy, and bucket hats.