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The Library Café: A Necessary Convenience or an Unnecessary Luxury?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Skidmore chapter.

In the incredibly fast-paced world we live in today, it seems it was only a matter of time before study breaks went from 15-20 minutes to under five.  The newly-opened Library Café, formally known as Lucy’s, makes coffee and snacks even more accessible than Burgess, so you can refresh yourself and get back to work in no time. While taking Burgess breaks during long library nights is usually a nice way of clearing your mind and catching up with a
friend, sometimes you don’t even have the time to take the short walk.  When you finally get into the “work zone,” going to Burgess can disturb your concentration. Plus, when it’s absolutely freezing outside, who really wants to take the time to throw on all of the warm layers and trek out into the arctic Skidmore tundra for a coffee and cliff bar?  Maybe if they were selling homemade spaghetti and meatballs…
Senior Sara Geiger shares her conflicting thoughts on the new café: “I’m really excited about the new addition. I think it’s long overdue!  However, I’m a bit nervous that the Library Café will make people not leave the building, which is important because we all need to take a break from our work. No more Burg’ breaks?”  Sara makes a good point.  We all need to take a walk and stretch our legs once in a while; being cooped up and antsy are not profitable study conditions.
From what it looks like right now, the new addition may not entirely stop the flock to Burgess. The café doesn’t seem to have as many options as Burgess regarding to-go meals and snack choices, and it isn’t open as often (but that course could change).  If you want that California roll, cup of soup, or milkshake, I think you’ll still have to take the walk. So don’t worry Burgess lovers, the old café won’t go out of business anytime soon!
 The Library Cafe is open Monday-Friday from 8 am until noon and Sunday-Thursday from 8 pm until midnight.

Adriana is a junior at Skidmore College, with an English major and Studio Art and French double minor. Born and raised in the Main Line suburbs of Philadelphia, Adriana loves to travel, write, and paint. She has spent summers in France and Italy studying fashion, painting, and art history, and recently finished her semester abroad in Paris. At Skidmore, Adriana enjoys participating in musicals, club soccer and field hockey, and writing for the school newspaper. With advertising and graphic design internships under her belt, Adriana is excited to continue her experience in journalism at Her Campus, and eventually get a law degree. In her free time, she loves to play tennis, paint oil portraits, and play the piano.