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Getting Into Shape for Spring

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Skidmore chapter.

I don’t want to speak too soon, but it looks like spring isn’t too far away. The clocks have been changed, the days last longer, and the sun seems to rise earlier and earlier. It’s no secret that we’ve endured a tough winter; the cold, gray, somber weather has worn out its welcome. We’re ready to break out of these sweaters and scarves and embrace the brighter colors of spring. With the arrival of this warmer season however, comes the inevitable need to show a little more skin in those shorts and sundresses. If you’re anything like me, you’ve been in hibernation mode: lethargic and eating mindlessly out of sheer boredom. But now it’s time to get back on track to prepare for a few less layers and to finally relax on the green. Here are some simple tips about how to spring forward into better shape for that springtime attire.

1. During the winter months, our metabolism 
certainly slows down, so the first step to getting back into shape is to speed up our metabolism again. Start the day with a high protein breakfast and plan out a strength-training exercise to do twenty minutes a day, like lifting smaller weights. This shock to the metabolism helps increase muscle mass, which makes burning calories and shedding those few pounds of winter-induced weight much easier. It’s also best to start the day fresh and rejuvenated. So, as hard as it is to find time to sleep, a good seven to nine hours will make all around weight loss more efficient. 

2. As the weather starts to warm up, appreciate the simple benefits of drinking enough water. I’m sure we’ve all been filling up on coffee and other caffeinated drinks to stay awake in the wintry dullness, but now it’s time to shift to serious hydration. Aim to consume about eight glasses of water a day for optimal results. Oolong and herbal green teas, for example, are tastier, healthier options for hydrating. (They’re also delicious iced treats when you need to cool off!)

3. It may seem overly simple, but the best way to get in shape for spring is to just enjoy the outdoors. At first you may have to bundle up a bit, but with the sun shining and the campus regaining its greenery and vivacity, a walk could be the best way to embrace the changing season and your weight loss goals. Researchers have found that both slow and fast walks increase weight loss, particularly around the stomach area (think about the bikinis, ladies), and strengthen your legs (all the better show off your new sundress). Springtime walks also relieve a lot of stress. Connecting with nature, like the blooming flowers and growing trees, as well as filling your lungs with fresh oxygen provide great physical and mental benefits for your well being. Also, taking advantage of the sun’s rays and the longer days naturally boosts those feel-good serotonin levels, which help decrease appetite and put your weight loss on the fast track.

4. With the temperatures rising (slowly but surely) and the sun shining longer, the diversity and selection of fruits and veggies will vastly increase. We’re lucky enough to go to school surrounded by miles of fertile acres. As the season blooms, so will the options of healthy, raw foods. You can always visit the Farmer’s Market in Case Center every Friday, but take advantage of the nice weather and walk downtown to the Saratoga Farmer’s Market one Saturday morning to check out the range of delicious fruits and vegetables. Spring is the best time of year to sample some healthy fare you may have never tried before. Since the options are at their freshest, pick the best-looking fruits and green, leafy vegetables, as well as freshly squeezed juices. Eating healthy does not have to be a sacrifice; you’ll be surprised at how delicious seasonal fruits and vegetables can be.

5. Let’s get into specifics about the areas you want to tone. You’ll no doubt show more leg in a cute dress or flashy skirt, so to tone up with squats, leg lifts, bleacher runs, cycling, and walking/jogging at an incline. Your arms will also be on display as the need for jackets and light layers becomes less necessary. So, pick up light arm weights and do bicep curls, triceps extensions, and arm presses to fully tone all areas of the arms. Pilates and Yoga are also new ways to escape the monotony of the gym and can successfully stretch and tone muscles that have gone unused during those colder, lazier days. There’s also no better season to try other outdoor exercises so you don’t feel tied to indoor exercise methods. Try out rock climbing, hiking, or even a game of pick-up soccer.
Spring is all about renewal and change, so break out of your 11×13 room, get outside, and embrace the sunshine. With so many new options this season has to offer for getting active and fit, you’re bound to get back on track in no time.

Adriana is a junior at Skidmore College, with an English major and Studio Art and French double minor. Born and raised in the Main Line suburbs of Philadelphia, Adriana loves to travel, write, and paint. She has spent summers in France and Italy studying fashion, painting, and art history, and recently finished her semester abroad in Paris. At Skidmore, Adriana enjoys participating in musicals, club soccer and field hockey, and writing for the school newspaper. With advertising and graphic design internships under her belt, Adriana is excited to continue her experience in journalism at Her Campus, and eventually get a law degree. In her free time, she loves to play tennis, paint oil portraits, and play the piano.